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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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believe that Ben had been this or that. (Pinetown hearing, 17 June 2000.) 100. The ANC commander apparently responsible for giving the order, Mr Edward Lawrence, aka Fear or Ralph, later came under suspicion by the ANC and was detained and interrogated. Under questioning, he confessed to being a ...
... Damoyi [AM6303/97; AC/2000/149], a camp commander at Camp 32, applied for and was granted amnesty for the deaths of Mr Zaba Madledza and Mr Edward Masuku in 1984 and 1985. Madledza and Masuku were both inmates at the camp. 83. Amnesty applications were also made for several cases of beating ...
Bombs outside security force offices 70. Car bombs were detonated outside buildings housing security force offices. The o ffices were located in the busy central areas of towns, in buildings shared by other civilian offices. Thus, although the intended targets were members of the security ...
... within the time it was scheduled to have we would contact the police and inform them of the device. We would also do dummy runs and evaluate afterwards. (Amnesty granted in chambers.) 64. The killing of homeland politician Mr David Lukhele129 provides an example of the assassination of a ...
Group attacks 113. Many of these attacks were spontaneous and unplanned, but several had some organisational links. The application by Mr Mziwoxolo Stokwe [AM6538/96] offers a compelling example of the latter. At his amnesty hearing, Stokwe explained that a certain Mr Skune Tembisile Maarman, ...
1990s). While inherently a political conflict, testimony by applicants points to a range of complex social and other factors that formed part of the warp and woof of local conflicts. 148 Conference resolution on negotiations and suspension of armed actions, in the report on the ANC National ...
Attacks on vigilantes and criminal groups 186. In the period 1990 to 1994, a number of anti-ANC criminal and vigilante groups engaged in attacks on ANC members and supporters. Mr Sandile Birmingham Garane [AM5474/97; AC/2000/117] and Mr Joel Mhlahleni Sishaba [AM5186/97; AC/1999/232] were ...
Abductions followed by executions 171. Abductions of suspects were a particular feature of the East Rand SDUs. The suspects would be taken for questioning and assaulted in order to extract a confession. These appeared invariably to be followed by summary execution. Amnesty applicants often ...
... were unarmed as a community. MR SHEIN: But who did you find there ? MR MABUZA: We got women there, there were women and children, but I am not a coward, I don’t kill women … The community was very angry, as I was still talking to these people, they started to stone the house, and I had to ...
the ANC: T h e re was not a big massive distribution of weapons by the ANC or MK to ordinary cadres, there wasn’t. As that violence from 1990 onwards was mounting one of the strongest demands that came from within the constituency of the ANC was arm the masses. Many of us sitting here had to ...
Personal gain 102. The Committee refused amnesty to any applicant who clearly appeared to be motivated by personal gain when committing a human rights violation. Mr Mdu John Msibi [AM0624/96] applied for amnesty for the killing of ANC members Mr Mandla Alfred Mgudulela and Mr Mphiheleli Joseph ...
... and his openness about his motives and lines of command. 126. For example, in Luthuli’s amnesty hearing, his legal representative, Advocate A Stewart, said: The position taken by Mr Luthuli has been one where he accepts moral responsibility for all the activities that the Caprivi trainees ...
Lack of full disclosure Attack on Sophia and Gabriel Rossouw 268. Although APLA policy authorised robbery as a means of raising money, amnesty was denied to Mr Sithembiso Vanana [AM6540/97] for a robbery in which money was used for the personal benefit of the applicants and not the organisation. ...
the unit stole an amount of R3 000. While they were robbing the shop, they shot and killed the owner, Mr Joao Manuel Jardim . Fleeing the scene afterwards, the attackers shot and injured a bystander, Mr David Oupa Motshaole, probably in an attempt to avoid identification. 39. Mr Jardim had been ...
... between the PAC and ANC in the area from 1990 until 1992/93. He said that this conflict affected a number of areas, including eMzinoni. He was aware that APLA cadres were deployed in those areas where attempts at negotiation had failed to prevent further conflict. He said he had knowledge of ...
Sabotage 230. The Committee received just three applications for amnesty for acts and attempted acts of sabotage. Two of these matters were dealt with in chambers. All were granted. No casualties or injuries resulted from these actions. 231. Mr Wandile Merriman Dyanti [AM2486/96] and Mr Shylock ...
Various attacks in Ficksburg 219. Mr Phila Martin Dolo [AM3485/96], Mr Lerato Abel Khotle [AM5619/97] and Mr Luvuyo Kenneth Kulman [AM1638/96] applied for amnesty for several attacks on homes in Ficksburg in the Orange Free State on 10 December 1992. The acts were committed with other persons, ...
Late 1980s 284. F rom 1989, APLA cadres were infiltrated into the country and established asself - reliant, easily-manageable and controllable task force units of no more than three guerrillas. They consisted of a political commissar, whose brief was to make sure that all operations enhanced the ...
Attack on a PEP Store at Botshabelo 43. On 17 February 1992, a three-person APLA unit robbed a Pep Store in Botshabelo near Bloemfontein. Although one of the attackers was armed, no violence was used in the actual robbery. After the operation, the armed APLA member became involved in a shoot-out ...
... polarisation played into the hands of the AWB, with an estimated 2 000 members joining up in the two weeks following the killing of Chris Hani. Towards the end of 1993, membership may have totalled 25 000. 26. Although it had a relatively large membership compared to other private armies, a ...
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