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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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PRE-1990 AT TACKS ON INDIVIDUALS 97. Towards the end of the 1980s, targeted and indiscriminate attacks on individuals were becoming more and more frequent. With very few exceptions, the targets of these attacks were black persons. Individuals like Wit Wolwe member Bare n d Strydom, who killed ...
... of Afrikaners as it commemorated the battle of Blood River, where a small group of Voortrekkers staved off the attack of a large number of Zulu warriors. 88. Terre’Blanche and his followers, all members of the AWB, decided that Professor van Jaarsveld had abused his influential position in ...
Robbery at UNITRA 55. Mr Patrick Thapelo Maseko [AM5918/97] and eight others carried out a robbery at the University of Transkei (UNITRA) in Umtata on 18 February 1993. At the time of the robbery, the university was busy with the registration of students. University staff members were counting ...
... nine wounds. The attackers then searched the house, seizing three guns and a small amount of cash. They tied Mrs Smith up and locked her in a ward robe. They then took possession of the Smiths’ Mercedes Benz for use in future operations. 216. Oliphant confirmed the evidence and testified ...
Armed ambushes 182. Other attacks on civilians took the form of armed ambushes on vehicles. These attacks, ascribed to APLA, became the subject of bitter dispute between the Transkei and South African governments, with South Africa accusing Transkei of harbouring APLA members and providing them ...
been charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder. However, the matter never came to trial. Attacks on the Cape Flats 78. Towards the end of 1992, three APLA operatives opened fire on a police vehicle travelling on Zola Budd Road in Khayelitsha near Cape Town, injuring one ...
Volume SIX Section THREE Chapter FOUR The Pan Africanist Congress SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS OF AMNESTY APPLICATIONS ■ OVERVIEW 1. The Amnesty Committee received amnesty applications from 134 supporters and members of the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) and/or African People’s Liberation Army ...
37. The Caprivi unit members’ legal representative, Advocate A Stewart, explained how the applicants perceived the role of the political leadership of the IFP: … in addition to which Mr Luthuli and then Mr Mbambo in particular, and some of the other applicants too, discussed really what they ...
ISSUES IMPACTING ON THE AMNESTY PROCESS 21. At the inception of the Commission, the IFP announced that it would not urge its members or IFP victims of gross human rights violations to participate in i t s processes. In spite of written representations and personal requests by senior members of the ...
Attacks on civilians 89. The Amnesty Committee received a total of thirty-two amnesty applications for attacks on civilians. Twenty-four people were killed in these attacks and 122 seriously injured . 90. Most of these attacks took place between 1991 and 1994 and formed part of the PAC’s ...
... report the operation and said that ‘Power’ told him that he would claim it as an APLA attack under the code name ‘Bambata’. 101. Ms Amanda Warner, one of the victims and a waitress at the restaurant at the time of the attack, opposed the application in an affidavit. She stated that, ...
... three colleagues a lift in her car with a view to dropping some of them off in Guguletu, when her vehicle came under attack by people running towards it and throwing stones. The stones smashed the windscreen and windows of the car. One of the stones hit Ms Biehl on her head, causing her to ...
... Was that part of your motivation in attacking the discotheque? MR SHICEKA: Mr Chairman, APLA is not a racist organisation. I think you are aware that whites were oppressing us; that was the race that was oppress i n g us. We didn’t attack white people because we hated white people; we ...
... I know the value of going back to the place where it happened, I appeal to the agents of the government, whoever they might be, to come forward and to iden tify what they had done, where they did it, at least give them also the opportuni tyto grieve where it happened. (Cape Town ...
Attack on St James’ Church, Kenilworth 112. Eleven people were killed and fifty-eight wounded when APLA operatives opened fire with automatic rifles and threw hand grenades at worshippers in St James’ Church, Kenilworth in Cape Town, at approximately 019h30 on 25 July 1 9 9 3 .2 0 6 206 ...
... Africa trucked them back again. Nozewu became a leader in his community. His mother, Ms Noti Lena Kroti, told the Commission that Ciskei police had warned her that Nozewu should stay out of politics or he would die. He was stabbed to death by vigilantes near his home on 24 July 1987, three weeks ...
... contributed to the conflict. At least one of the Kakanas was either a police officer at the time of the conflict or joined the police soon afterwards. In some submissions to the Commission, former UDF supporters indicated they believed the Kakanas to be AZAPO supporters. 255 On 26 February ...
... at the amnesty hearing further indicated that, at the time of the NP’s second submission to the Commission, former President de Klerk had been aware of their involvement in both the Cosatu and Khotso House bombings. 529 A number of amnesty applicants said that the security forces’ ...
[AM3745/96] applied for amnesty for landmine explosions at Daveyton and Benoni. Others involved were De Kock, Vermeulen, Nortjé, Mentz, Snyman, de Swardt, with De Kock who authorised the operations. The aim was to intimidate ANC members and supporters. Nobody was injured or killed in the ...
... the Commission reveals that intimidation and disinformation provided the rationale for such attacks. Activists and their supporters needed to be aware that if they got involved in political activities, dire consequences would follow. Furthermore, the idea that the political conflict was a ...
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