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people's warExplanation Showing 761 to 780 of 916 First Page•Previous Page 35 •36 •37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 •43 Next Page•Last Page... and leaders of student organisations were the prime targets. While there is no evidence that prison staff were involved in assaults, they were aware of the abuses and did nothing to stop them. In her affidavit to the Port Elizabeth Supreme Court in September 198512, Dr Wendy Orr reported a ... Richard Turner 231 Dr Richard Turner [KZN/KP/001/DN], killed at his Durban home shortly after midnight on 8 January 1978, was one such figure. Details of Turner’s killing are documented in Volume Three. The Commission’s Investigation Unit concluded that the police investigation that followed ... Andrew Zondo 28 From 1976 onwards, a number of MK members were sentenced to death and executed. One of these was Mr Sibusiso Andrew Zondo [KZN/NG/010/DN]. Andrew Zondo (19), from KwaMashu, north of Durban, went into exile in Mozambique at the age of sixteen after a brief period of detention. He ... however not prepared to accept responsibility for the criminal actions of a handful of operatives of the security forces of which the Party was not aware and which it never would have condoned. 215 However, the NP’s former Deputy Minister of Police Leon Wessels conceded that it was not ... ... applicant Colonel PJ Cornelius Loots [AM5462/97] applied for amnesty for his involvement, together with Captain Jacques Hechter [AM2776/96] and Warrant Officer van Vuuren, in kidnapping Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa from police cells and detaining and interrogating him for several days. ... Within these structures, some owed allegiance to black consciousness, while an increasing number of activists within such structures began to move towards support for the ANC or ‘Congress tradition’. While the development of internal structures was broadly in line with ANC policy as expressed ... the Commission: A decision was made to shift the ANC’s approach from sending armed groups of cadres into the country to ‘spark off’ guerrilla warfare, and instead emphasised that … [it] was necessary first to extend and consolidate an ANC underground machinery and to generally mobilise ... ... for a ‘third force’, victims of such incidents were found to have suffered gross human rights violations if the circumstances of the cases warranted it. All such matters were considered on a case-by-case basis. Convictions for politically motivated acts 132 One of the most difficult ... 11 The working group also proposed that an adaptation of the Norgaard Principles2 be used in making the relevant decisions. These took into account aspects such as motive, context, the nature of the political ojective, the legal and factual nature of the offence (for example, rape could never be ... 119 By applying the above criteria, the following acts were regarded as constituting severe ill treatment: a rape and punitive solitary confinement; b sexual assault, abuse or harassment; c physical beating resulting in serious injuries; d people shot and injured during demonstrations; e burnings ... ... See S v Lewis, 1987 (3) SA 24 (C) (Brennan, J.) where it was argued that severe is a relative concept, meaning more severe than the circumstances warrant. 24 See above definition of gross violations of human rights. ... devastating effects on the majority of South Africans. The NP government came to power in 1948 and, over almost half a century, apartheid became the warp and weft of the experience of all who lived in South Africa, defining their privilege and their disadvantage, their poverty and wealth, their ... ■ CLOSED LIST OF VICTIMS 133 The decision to establish a finite list of victims was taken fairly late in the process of gathering information about violations. Initially, in keeping with the spirit of inclusivity that governed the work of the Commission, it was felt that all victims of gross ... Non-state perpetrators of gross human rights violations 150 There were many cases where the Commission found that the use of force by the police was excessive and thus constituted a gross violation of human rights. There were also cases where the Commission found that violence against the police ... ... areas of housing, education and health care, the framers of the interim Constitution favoured the reconstruction of society. 76 The immunity awarded to the state does not remove the burden of responsibility for state reparations. It does, however, give the new, democratic government ... ■ UBUNTU: PROMOTING RESTORATIVE JUSTICE80 A principal task of the Commission was “restoring the human and civil dignity of victims”. The work of the Commission as a whole, together with the specific contributions of its three committees, underlined the need to restore the dignity of all ... ... missing loved ones. The media also helped generate public debate on central aspects of South Africa’s past and to raise the level of historical awareness. The issues that emerged as a consequence helped the nation to focus on values central to a healthy democracy: transparency, public debate, ... ■ AMNESTY, TRUTH AND JUSTICE53 The postamble of the interim Constitution states:In order to advance such reconciliation and reconstruction [of society], amnesty shall be granted in respect of acts, omissions and offences with political objectives and committed in the course of the conflicts ... ... The Mandate ■ INTRODUCTION I have the privilege and responsibility to introduce today a Bill which provides a pathway, a stepping stone, towards the historic bridge of which the Constitution speaks whereby our society can leave behind the past of a deeply divided society characterised by ... 1950 Group Areas Act 30 In terms of the Group Areas Act, the entire country was demarcated into zones for exclusive occupation by designated racial groups. Implemented from 1954, the result was mass population transfers involving the uprooting of (almost exclusively) black citizens from their ... |