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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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MR MXUTU: Col Duli said that as we knew that Ms Stella Sigcau's government was overthrown by the soldiers and these soldiers said after six months it would change and then he said that that six months had elapsed, so he wanted us to do what had happened to the previous government. He wanted us to ...
On the 10th October the Tembisa Police Station Barracks was similarly bombed.  Three people sustained injuries.
The first applicant testified that he had been trained as an MK Soldier, both inside and outside South Africa and that at the time of the incidents under discussion he was the Commander of the second applicant and other members of an ANC cell which had been created in the Newcastle area. First ...
At the time in question the police were regarded by both the Mamelodi Committee and MK as being enemies of the people. Members of the SAP had been harassing and victimising members of the Mamelodi community and various attacks were planned and carried out by MK against members of the SAP as ...
Both Applicants, together with a number of other people, were later arrested and charged with the murder of the Deceased. The matter never went to trial as the charges were withdrawn due to the lack of evidence.
MR BOOYENS: Chairperson, with regard to Mr Kobus Kok, on page 30, I don't know if the people are ashamed to say that they were supporters of the National Party, because not one of the applicants do that. I don't know whether you find it necessary to recall him about that, but I would ...
During 1989 the Applicant assisted in transporting arms from Namibia to Vlakplaas.  The Applicant understood the reason to have been to prevent the arms from falling into the hands of SWAPO (the South West Africa People's Organisation).  He is unable to state whether the weapons were at that ...
All the applications comply with the requirements of the Act; the Applicants have made full disclosure of all the material facts relevant to their actions and the acts for which amnesty is sought are acts associated with a political objective. What the Applicants aimed at by preventing screening ...
... their shotguns. The group fled and applicant and Geldenhuys were unable to effect any arrests. At a later stage during the evening they became aware of a motor vehicle which transported what appeared to be an injured person from the township. Because they were in fear of their lives, ...
MRS NDEBELE: After I received the telegram people came from the ANC at Shell House. They said to me that Lucky has passed away. Then they said they will come to visit me, but up till now no one has shown up at my place.
MR NYAKAMA: I was a secretary in our section, that is Lusaka-A. That is, I was a SANCO secretary. Our duties included listening to people's complaints and we also sat at the SANCO central level where we represented people's complaints.
The lawyer of the accused just talked and thereafter and the Magistrate although said but the interpreter told me that these people were found not guilty. The one thing that hurt me my witnesses were not there, my lawyer was not there. The doctor didn’t give his statement. I just heard that the ...
Mr Moele further testified that he received information about the time, and the procedure followed, when salary payments were made by the Transvaal Galvanising Company. He commanded Simphiwe Mkhuno, Thobile Nzolo, Magaule Toloki and Roundy Moboa to accompany him. The applicant and Thobile Nzolo ...
The applicant was a member of a group of people in the district in which he resided which group was established to defend the residents thereof.
ADV SANDI: You are going to tell us about these two people here.
MR SIBEKO: It is possible that there were people inside the shack?
CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR DU PLESSIS: May I proceed Mr Chairman, thank you. Mr Goosen, the information that you had with regard to Morudi and the people that would have been in the house that night, do you agree with Mr Momberg's evidence as far as that is concerned, the question that I asked him?
MR NKABINDE: Yes, my name is Abel Nkabinde known as M A Nkabinde. I was born in 1958 in the area of Leandra. I am the first Chairperson of the then organisation in this town which was called Leandra Action Committee which was established in 1980. Then briefly, Leandra was established in 1904 by ...
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