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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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1961 A state of emergency was declared on 30 March 1961, lasting until 31 August. Regulations made provision for the arrest of persons without warrant and for their detention without charge for a period of twelve days (Horrell 1978: 440). Regulations under Proc 91 of 30 March, which included ...
83 I want to pay a very warm tribute to all my colleagues, my fellow commissioners, our committee members and our dedicated staff. My fellow commissioners are gifted persons, frequently leaders in their particular fields. They have worked themselves to a frazzle, committed and conscientious to a ...
... or to a farm colony for a period not exceeding two years. Section 29 of the 1945 Urban Areas Consolidation Act permitted the arrest, without a warrant, of any black person believed to be ‘idle or undesirable’. In 1956, a new section was added to s 29, (i.e. s 29 bis) allowing for ‘the ...
1992-93 Commission of Inquiry into the 1986 Unrest and Alleged Mismanagement in KwaNdebele Mandate: To inquire into and report on any mismanagement that has occurred in the governmental department of KwaNdebele, the KwaNdebele National Development Corporation or the KwaNdebele Utility Company, ...
Volume ONE Chapter ONE Foreword by Chairperson THE MOST REVD D M TUTU ARCHBISHOP EMERITUS 1 All South Africans know that our recent history is littered with some horrendous occurrences - the Sharpville and Langa killings, the Soweto uprising, the Church Street bombing, Magoo’s Bar, the ...
... unjust system occupy the moral high ground over those who use force to sustain that same system. That is when the criteria of the so-called ‘just war’ come into play -as discussed in The Mandate chapter in our report. This does not mean that those who hold the moral high ground have carte ...
... is eloquently developed in the Mandate chapter. For the vast majority of South Africans, human rights abuse was: for nearly half a century ... the warp and weft of their experience ... defining their privilege and their disadvantage, their poverty and their wealth, their public and private lives ...
■ THE LIMITED FOCUS OF THE MANDATE19 As noted in the Mandate chapter later in this volume, the Commission’s governing Act limited its investigation to gross violations of human rights defined as the “killing, abduction, torture or severe ill-treatment” and the “attempt, conspiracy, ...
hue ... Is it to be thought that God is using the South African Parliament to hound us out of our ancestral homes in order to quicken our pace heavenwards? 4 . 13 Plaatje retells a story told to him which illustrates the tragic human impact of the implementation of the Act: A squatter called ...
... Unity and Reconciliation legislation to Parliament, the Minister of Justice said: [This is] a Bill which provides a pathway, a stepping stone, towards the historic bridge of which the Constitution speaks whereby our society can leave behind the past of a deeply divided society characterised by ...
... to the promotion of restorative justice. 95 Recommendations on reparations are also wider in scope or more holistic than those customarily awarded as damages in successful civil claims. Such broad recommendations include the provision of symbolic reparations to victims, such as the ...
Implications for the work of the Commission 73 Following the terms of the settlement, the Commission formally adopted procedures to comply with the provisions of section 30. 74 There were now two judgements that substantially supported each other: that of the Full Bench of the Cape High Court ...
4 Problem 4.1 Inadequate procedural provisions have the result that a significant number of documents may be destroyed because they have become irrelevant and redundant. Destruction of documents in order to get rid of the information contained therein, also arises. If a responsible person is ...
■ THE DATABASE3 30 Any organisation that deals with large quantities of data must ensure that they are accessible. It must also ensure that information gathered from a wide range of sources and locations is properly integrated to allow for meaningful analysis. The Commission decided to ...
... in KTC c Civil Co-operation Bureau (CCB) d Security Police in KwaZulu and Natal e Mandela United Football Club f Chemical and biological warfare ...
a certain amount of information to the Commission. This information was generally recorded either by the witness protector or an investigator and forwarded to the Investigation Unit.■ OVERVIEW OF THE COMMISSION’S WORK59 The evolution of the Commission’s work through three broad phases ...
Legal Assistance Programme 3. In terms of Section 34 of the Act, persons who were required to appear before the Commission under a subpoena or notice were entitled to legal representation. The Commission, in conjunction with the Minister of Justice, therefore implemented a legal assistance program ...
... of co-operation within and beyond the Commission was expressed by the chairperson, Archbishop Tutu, whose example and counsel went a long way towards unifying the Commission and enabling it to relate to society. Financial accountability 18 The chief executive officer was responsible for ...
... 488 Special Investigation Helderberg Crash ........................................... 497 Special Investigation Chemical and Biological Warfare........ 504 Special Investigation Secret State Funding................................... 518 Special Investigation ...
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