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people's warExplanation ... These included administrative arrangements like the setting up of a blue-line company or a pension plan. As there were some one hundred ‘aware’ members and therefore approximately one hundred businesses, at least half of all projects were not directly linked to offensive operations. ... ... Some of its leadership stated publicly that ANC members need not submit amnesty applications, on the grounds that the ANC had engaged in a just war against apartheid. Finally, following a meeting between the Commission and the ANC leadership, the ANC agreed to persuade its members to submit ... ... to training centres in Lubango and Luanda and to operational bases in East and West Cunene. The camp also offered refresher courses in infantry warfare and mine-laying. 25 General Viljoen noted that the camp was not heavily defended and that the nearest Angolan army and Cuban forces were at ... ... who attend the funeral have to be limited to 200 in number ... They insisted there should be no speeches, no freedom songs, nothing. It was like a war. It seemed as if it was a battle. There’s a big gate next to Josa. There was a convoy, police, soldiers, hippos, everybody. 120 The lack of ... ... danger of separating these young men from their community. 160 In KwaZulu-Natal, inter- and intra-community violence degenerated into near civil war and communities were torn apart. The conflict was characterised by assassinations, attacks on entire families and the burning down of family ... ... 132 Mr William Basil Harrington [AM0173/96], a member of Riot Unit 8 from 1988 until his arrest in 1991, told the Commission at the ‘Seven Day War’ hearing that he was told to keep a home-made firearm in his vehicle at all times in case he accidentally shot somebody dead. He should then ... ... ‘hit’, after which they would be escorted out again. The community came to fear and hate the Riot Unit because of its demonstrated partiality towards the A-Team. Bennetts told the Commission: We were shot at on a regular basis. We had wires put up, telephone wires, washing-line wires put up ... ... 18 000 and 20 000. 23 The antagonism of the provincial majority IFP to the work of the Commission inhibited many IFP supporters from coming forward to tell their stories. A resolution of the IFP annual general meeting in July 1995 stated categorically that the IFP would not participate in ... ... therefore, that there were no orders to kill the wounded, but is not convinced that this did not happen. The Commission also has evidence from the war in South West Africa that, on occasion, badly wounded SWAPO fighters were shot and not given medical treatment. 48 The Commission, therefore, ... ... are upholding the inhuman system”. (Radio Freedom on Radio Angola, 4 April 1990.) 38 Undoubtedly, the ANC’s media offensive assisted in the war against apartheid and may have contributed to a climate of violence. But it is difficult to conclude that the broadcasts alone were directly ... ... force’ in the sense of a separate and autonomous entity. What it represented was an additional capacity on the part of Special Forces in its war against ‘the enemy’. With the established Special Forces operating as they had for some years – largely in a cross-border capacity with, ... ... and unlawful operations via their normal command structures, thus legitimising and normalising such activities. The heightened sense of being at war, combined with the strongly hierarchical structure of the Security Branch, made those who were drawn into such operations feel privileged and ... ... legislation. Many businesses, including subsidiaries of leading corporations, became willing collaborators in the creation of the apartheid war machine, which was responsible for many deaths and violations of human rights both inside and outside the borders of our country. It was, ... ... council, while also encouraging students to participate in a bus boycott. In 1983, the leadership of COSAS was arrested, followed shortly afterwards by the arrest of other members. He said: I think the youngest amongst us was ten or eleven years of age and his surname was Majeke. He was in ... ... subsistence farming and forced to work at the underground rock faces. This influx of a large black population instigated early stirrings of swartgevaar (‘black danger’) – and more broadly a fear of the threat posed not only to frontier political control but also to the stability and ... only those that were in the SADF but those who were in MK and APLA and other forces - that young men like you had to deal with that insanity [of the war] ... We’re going to need to deal with the issues and challenges that you have raised to-day ... I remind you that this is not the end as you ... ■ THE WAY FORWARD 56 Submissions at this special hearing made it clear that dealing with the legacy of past armed conflicts will require a concerted effort, with contributions from the state, organised civil society and individual citizens. 57 The role of the state was illustrated by ... ... Convention. South Africa was a signatory to the 1949 convention, but declined to sign the 1977 addenda extending the definition of prisoner of war to captured guerrillas.23 The death penalty could be imposed under the General Laws Amendment Act (1962), the Terrorism Act (1967) and the ... ... 000 houses in the March 1990 armed incursion by IFP supporters into the Edenvale area near Pietermaritzburg in what is referred to as the Seven Day War (see finding in regional profile, Volume Three); h the killing of thirty-four people in two armed attacks by IFP supporters in Bruntville ... ... Bhila would continue with his terrorist activities now that he had been released. He requested us to kill him and we agreed … We were fighting a war where the enemy was not bound by any rules … I had to do things that went against my grain sometimes ... I did not regard them as morally ... |