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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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... SADF was involved in a series of regional conflicts over a period of more than fifteen years. Many of these conflicts transgressed the ‘laws of war’ as laid down in international protocols. The Commission was unable to determine whether fewer gross violations are attributable to military ...
39 Poqo targeted white suburbs and individuals seen to be ‘collaborators’. The popular theme at its branch and cell meetings was the overthrow of white rule by force. It also believed that the way to liberation was through a ‘bloodbath’. Part of the blood to be spilt was that of black ...
... threatened members of the Commission. 59 Managing safety and security risks and threats and sustaining vigilance over time was dependent on the awareness and conscientiousness of those under threat, including the recording and reporting all manifestations of risks and threats they experienced. ...
... takers attended hearings held by the Commission in various communities throughout South Africa. Because these hearings generated interest and awareness, they usually had the result of prompting people to come forward and make statements. In other instances, the Commission generated awareness ...
■ DECENTRALISATION6 One of the first decisions the Commission was required to take was whether itshould operate from one central location or on a decentralised basis. Becauseof the sheer size of South Africa (1,2 million square kilometres) and the unevenand far-flung distribution of its ...
■ APPENDIX 1: METHODOLOGY AND THE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Terms of reference 1 In February 1996, the Commission’s Database Development Group6 reviewed the Act to determine sources of information legally available to the Commission, and the kinds of reports and analysis that would be ...
Personal and narrative truth 35 At a hearing of the Commission in Port Elizabeth on 21 May 1996, Archbishop Tutu said: This Commission is said to listen to everyone. It is therefore important that everyone should be given a chance to say his or her truth as he or she sees it… 36 By telling ...
... of human rights; that the state was not directly and indirectly involved in ‘black-on-black violence’; that the chemical and biological warfare programme was only of a defensive nature; that slogans by sections of the liberation movement did not contribute to killings of ...
the Commission assisted in laying the foundation for reconciliation. Although truth does not necessarily lead to healing, it is often a first step towards reconciliation. Father Michael Lapsley, who lost both arms and an eye in a near fatal security police parcel bomb attack in Harare in 1990, ...
... Commission did not carry out a ‘survey’ of violations in the sense of drawing a probabilistic sample of victims.19 Those who chose to come forward defined the universe of people from whom the Commission received information. 17 Human rights data are almost never taken from probabilistic ...
... made by the Commission in taking statements. 12 Statement taking was carried out steadily throughout the two-year period. There was a lull towards the end of 1997, followed by intensive activity in the very last month as deponents rushed to meet the deadline. 25 For ease of analysis, the ...
... we will never know exactly how many people suffered during the mandate period. 29 Instead, the Commission appealed to South Africans to come forward to tell the Human Rights Violation Committee what had happened to them. By the end of the Commission’s lifespan, 21 000 people had come ...
... to tell the Commission about gross violations of human rights. 15 The low number of white deponents is not wholly a consequence of hostility towards the Commission by large sections of the white community. Indeed, the Commission made a concerted effort to reach all sections of the community. ...
What did they talk about? 21 Deponents came to the Commission to tell about gross violations of human rights that had been experienced, either by themselves or by someone close to them. In total, the 21 000 statements made to the Commission contained nearly 38 000 allegations of gross violations ...
■ APPENDIX 2: WHO CAME TO THE COMMISSION? Introduction 1 In order to establish as complete a picture as possible of the conflicts of the past, the Human Rights Violations Committee focused the bulk of its energy and resources on gathering and processing statements from deponents21. The ...
... to put pressure on them. Using force was explicitly against policy, but this did occur at times, particularly in cases where the Department was aware that lives of other people in the field were at stake. There were some cases in which suspects were severely beaten, particularly before 1985. ...
40 At the Johannesburg hearing Ms Hawa Timol spoke of her pain after the death of her son, Ahmed Timol, at the hands of the security forces: 41 Another son, Mr Mohammed Timol, described her enduring pain: I think it’s an indication, from what you see here, she has lived through this every ...
... Ciskei: Violence relating to the campaign against homelands 397 The ANC campaign for the re-incorporation of the homelands escalated from 1992 onwards. Many clashes were reported between ANC activists and individuals loyal to the homeland governments, in both civilian and military structures. ...
... the systematic killing of IFP leaders. 410 After the ANC had made its first submission, the Commission asked it to clarify its military policy towards the IFP and whether the ANC leadership considered members of the IFP to be “legitimate military targets”. The ANC responded that it had no ...
... members did not succeed in their aims and is generally seen to have signalled the end of the potential threat of the right-wing to engage in open warfare. Subsequent to the incident, right-wing unity under the Volksfront crumbled, Viljoen formed the Freedom Front and took significant sections ...
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