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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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All right. You were shot coming from a rally and there were many people there. Were you ever charged for anything that happened on that day? Shall I repeat the question. You were shot by the police when you were coming from Steve Tshwete's rally. Did the police ever come to you and charge you ...
MR KOPEDI: If I may, Honourable Chairperson, I'm going to ask for a postponement of this matter sine die. The reasons are that all the applicants are not here as we speak and also the victim, there is one victim in this matter, the victim is not here and basically we did not have any application ...
In the evening of the day in question, both the applicant and Jack proceeded to the intended target where they threw a number of petrol-bombs. The operation was a blunder, in that a wrong target was hit, and that was the house belonging to Elizabeth Makwana. Although there were people inside, no ...
On the 10th October the Tembisa Police Station Barracks was similarly bombed.  Three people sustained injuries.
Both Applicants, together with a number of other people, were later arrested and charged with the murder of the Deceased. The matter never went to trial as the charges were withdrawn due to the lack of evidence.
On their own evidence they believed that Memela and his companions were trained "terrorists" armed with weapons and explosives, who had been responsible for the attack on Winnington Sabelo's family and who were en route to attack a black Counsellor. It is thus clear to us that the applicants ...
CHAIRPERSON: Well being entirely selfish, I will first of all make a confession that the members of the Committee have been asked to have lunch with the IDASA people and a distinguished American guest, so it seems that whatever happens, we would probably have to stay here till two o'clock. Would ...
MR BOOYENS: Chairperson, with regard to Mr Kobus Kok, on page 30, I don't know if the people are ashamed to say that they were supporters of the National Party, because not one of the applicants do that. I don't know whether you find it necessary to recall him about that, but I would ...
CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR DU PLESSIS: May I proceed Mr Chairman, thank you. Mr Goosen, the information that you had with regard to Morudi and the people that would have been in the house that night, do you agree with Mr Momberg's evidence as far as that is concerned, the question that I asked him?
MRS MTSWENI: I do not believe that it was a natural death. He was always undergoing treatment and I think there’s some substance that was coming out of his mouth. I think this was a direct result of the attack by the Inkatha people six previous years.
The lawyer of the accused just talked and thereafter and the Magistrate although said but the interpreter told me that these people were found not guilty. The one thing that hurt me my witnesses were not there, my lawyer was not there. The doctor didn’t give his statement. I just heard that the ...
MR NYAKAMA: I was a secretary in our section, that is Lusaka-A. That is, I was a SANCO secretary. Our duties included listening to people's complaints and we also sat at the SANCO central level where we represented people's complaints.
This is an application for amnesty in terms of the provisions of Section 19 of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act No. 34 of 1995 ("the Act"). The application relates to the death of Mziwonke "Pro" Jack, a high-profiled African National Congress ("ANC") member in the Western ...
"to protect my people and to make sure that there was no mismanagement of funds belonging to the SDU members."
ADV SANDI: You are going to tell us about these two people here.
MR SIBEKO: It is possible that there were people inside the shack?
MR VABAZA: The third applicant, Mr Chairperson and members, is Mabitana Mani. He is also amongst the five group of people.
MR NKABINDE: Yes, my name is Abel Nkabinde known as M A Nkabinde. I was born in 1958 in the area of Leandra. I am the first Chairperson of the then organisation in this town which was called Leandra Action Committee which was established in 1980. Then briefly, Leandra was established in 1904 by ...
MR GILBERT: Those boers must be arrested. You can't just acquit guilty people like that who shot at our children.
Coetzee states that other members ("co-handlers") reported to him that they were unhappy about the poor discipline of the deceased and his laxity with security.  He says the deceased would also abuse state vehicles and on numerous occasions absented himself from work without permit.  Coetzee ...
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