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people's warExplanation Showing 821 to 840 of 916 First Page•Previous Page 38 •39 •40 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 Next Page•Last Page... recording in 1990 – that people should “shoot now” at those who posed a threat to Afrikaner and Boere self-determination. 309 From 1990 onwards, human rights violations perpetrated by supporters of right-wing organisations included targeted killings, indiscriminate attacks on ... 252 Between December 1993 and April 1994, a third training project was run at the Dinizulu camp near Ndumo in northern Natal. Here Inkatha supporters were trained in civil disobedience with the intention of making elections in KwaZulu rural areas impossible. The camp was disbanded after Chief ... ... seven others were injured. This incident is apparently not related to the PAC/ANC conflict, but indicated that the township was still volatile. Towards the end of 1992, sporadic violence flared up again when a bakery truck was petrol-bombed and set alight, and a grenade was thrown at the house ... Volume THREE Chapter ONE Introduction to Regional Profiles 1 The regional profiles provide an overview of gross violations of human rights as they were reported to the Commission, in both chronological and thematic narrative. It was not possible to include every case brought to the Commission; ... ... PW Botha becomes State President. The biggest stay-away in thirty-five years takes place in November in the Transvaal. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Archbishop Desmond Tutu in December. In the first UDF treason trial, fifteen UDF and union leaders are charged with treason in ... 1967 The Terrorism Act is passed, in terms of which police are empowered to detain in solitary confinement for indefinite periods with no access to visitors. The public is not entitled to information relating to the identity and number of people detained. The Act is allegedly passed to deal ... South African Defence Force (SADF). On 31 May, South Africa becomes an independent Republic and leaves the Commonwealth. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to ANC President, Chief Albert Luthuli, in October. ANC and PAC missions-in-exile open in Tanzania. Poqo, armed wing of the PAC, is formed in ... 1946 Asiatic Land Tenure Act is passed. The police crush a strike by African mineworkers. 1947 The Security Branch of the South African Police (SAP) is formed. 1948 The Herenigde National Party (NP) wins a majority of seats. DF Malan becomes Prime Minister. 1949 Prohibition ... ... Executive Council (TEC) concerning the issue of independence and sovereignty for KwaZulu. Inkatha adopted a publicly declared militant stance towards the rejection of its demands, culminating in a decision not to participate in the April 1994 elections. It was only on 19 April 1994, just six ... ... that ANC supporters gathered. 220 Ms Zanele Cecilia Taliwe [KZN/NG/006/EM] told the Commission that her husband, April Taliwe Mkhwanazi, a shop steward for a COSATU-affiliated trade union and employed at the Mondi paper mill in Richards Bay, was killed on 19 April 1992. Mkhwanazi was also an ... ... forces (and specifically 5 Reconnaissance Regiment) were probably involved in train violence; that there was probably a Chemical and Biological Warfare programme, as well as a probable attempt to get CCB operative Danie Phaal to distribute poisoned beer to Zulu-speakers in the Transkei. ... ... reported that white men were part of at least one group of attackers. The monitoring organisation Peace Action noted that police failed to act on warnings of the impending attack (see further Volume Three). 96 After the Sebokeng massacre, an independent police team was appointed by Goldstone ... that they shot Njakazi because he was attempting to steal a white woman’s bag [see AM3770/96]. 66 Former security policeman Andy Taylor informed Warrant Officer Tjaart Fourie of the Security Branch that one of his askaris had been involved in a shooting incident, and instructed him to go to ... Pan Africanist Congress 461 After the unbanning of the liberation movements on 2 February 1990, the PAC adopted a different strategic position to that of the ANC. While the ANC engaged almost immediately in ‘talks about talks’ with government representatives, the PAC told the Commission that ... ANC and the IFP to blame each other”. During such actions, they wore balaclavas and those parts of their skin that were exposed were painted. Afterwards, they would go to the scene of the crime “to make sure they were dead” and his own unit would investigate the case. He claimed that the ... ■ THE HOMELANDS: TRANSITION AND INCORPORATION Historical and Political Overview 138 The effects of the watershed in South African politics following the February 1990 unbannings was also felt in the homelands. Throughout the years of CODESA I and II, as well as the multi-party talks at the ... ... bottles. However, reporters present testified that they had seen no evidence of this. Participants alleged that the police had opened fire without warning. Judge Goldstone, appointed after calls for a judicial commission of enquiry, recommended that police be prosecuted. No action was taken. 38 ... that “he had not yet given up on his idea of an armed force, or at the least ‘cells’ which could take out undesirable members.” 208 In the Wartburg area during 1990, a Roman Catholic priest Father Garth Michelson wrote a letter to former Minister of Law and Order Adriaan Vlok, in which ... The issuing of G-3 rifles 196 As early as 1974, Buthelezi requested that the South African government grant firearms licences to “all chiefs for the destruction of vermin and to deserving businessmen and other Zulus of repute who need these firearms for the protection of their businesses and ... ... history, the ADM was involved in violent clashes with the ANC. After the Bisho massacre of September 1992, these clashes erupted into more overt warfare, with increasingly sophisticated weapons being used (see the Eastern Cape regional profile elsewhere in this report). The highest number of ... |