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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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CHAIRPERSON: Well being entirely selfish, I will first of all make a confession that the members of the Committee have been asked to have lunch with the IDASA people and a distinguished American guest, so it seems that whatever happens, we would probably have to stay here till two o'clock. Would ...
In the evening of the day in question, both the applicant and Jack proceeded to the intended target where they threw a number of petrol-bombs. The operation was a blunder, in that a wrong target was hit, and that was the house belonging to Elizabeth Makwana. Although there were people inside, no ...
Applicants treated the petrol attendants very shabbily during the operation. Not once did they mention that they were Apla operatives, there to repossess money for the benefit of the organization. Instead, their statement to the attendants was that they wanted money. When asked, under cross ...
During the period 1984 - 1985 Snyders was assigned to the Commandos in Nelspruit where he was appointed as Company-Commander in his region. He maintained close contact with other right-wing organisations such as the Afrikaner Weerstands Beweging ("AWB") and the Herstigte Nasionale Party. During ...
The applicant testified that he obtained the assistance of two common criminals and a driver. he said they left from Mandla's home to the bank. There was a confrontation outside the bank after the robbery was completed. A gun-battle ensued between the applicant and his friends and the local ...
The second applicant testified that he was carrying a kierie which he used to hit the hostel dwellers at random in the hostel. He also used it to break a hostel window. He cannot identify any person on whom he used his kierie and whether the people he hit with the kierie were killed or not. He ...
As an APLA operative the applicant's general instruction from the APLA High Command was to prosecute the armed struggle by all means against the then undemocratic and oppressive "racist minority regime". As part of the armed struggle, APLA cadres had to seek and attack the "bastions and minions" ...
... unlawfully entered the house in order to gather information relating to the alleged harbouring of MK members. At some stage, Applicants became aware of other people who were present in the house, whereupon they fled into the nearby bush where they were later collected by their ...
This incident happened during or about 1989.  Applicant and a number of his colleagues were called to a meeting by their commander at Vlakplaas, Colonel Eugene de Kock, and were ordered to proceed to Oshakati in Ovamboland, Namibia, where they had to collect weapons to be transported to ...
... these problems, of these processes especially since you are the head of the house, you no longer have a husband. We extend our deepest sympathy towards you. Thank you very ...
MR NGUBANE: What I was saying was that we launched the attack in the morning. I'm saying that because it was very early, I was collecting Sipiwe when he said the kombi that was attacked was the kombi that was coming from the meeting. What I was actually rectifying there was this, it was very ...
MR BOSCH: Chairperson, that is what I heard after the time. I cannot say that it was correct, but I knew that there were people and weapons coming into the country.
CHAIRPERSON: It is Thursday the 14th, and we come now to the application of Conrad Bekhi Magoso, AM4014/96. We have been told that it will not be possible to proceed with this application today, despite the fact that the representatives are here as are members of the families and victims and other ...
He says he does not know if the deceased belonged to any political organisation but thinks that he may have attended political meetings as well, because many people in the village attended such meetings which were frequently held at the time. He was then asked if the deceased was opposed to the ...
MR MABOTE: I made it clear in my application that I left them in the township, I left them with Comrade Sam and Comrade Lucky. Thereafter they took them to the stadium where all members of self defence unit handed over all their firearms. I was present at the stadium when they were handed over, ...
You have said it all, the political motive, it is there, it is not strong enough. If it is there, it has not surfaced sufficiently for any of the people who listened to the applicant giving his evidence, to see.
MR GOUWS: Yes, that's correct, he offered some training to these people and he was also given an AK47.
MR BAKER: I had my service pistol with me, I also had my identity card with me, my police identity card, that was my part of the operation, was to move on the perimeter and try and keep people out of the target area. I had my identity card with me to use in case I should see people and just ...
CHAIRPERSON: We welcome you and I will ask you to give your testimony freely. So that all the people inside this hall can hear you very well. I will ask one of the Commissioners to help you with the oath.
The above statements can neither be corroborated nor disapproved since Hani is no longer alive. Although the applicant's evidence in this regard was not satisfactory in all respect, it cannot be rejected as untrue. After all Mr Hani's decision would have been influenced by the information ...
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