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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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He testified that on the evening in question, he was at his home when he heard people shouting "Inkatha". He left his home carrying a sjambok towards the direction from where the noise came and in an open veld, he found a large group of about 500 people shouting "Let's kill them".
I think it was a waste of taxpayers' money for them to assemble as many people as they did, when in fact as I say, we invited them to come and fetch Mr Maleka.
DR ALLY: I understand that, Mrs Nhlapo but he can always make a statement. It doesn’t have to be to-day. The work of the Commission will go on for at least six more months so there is still time and if you can contact him and ask him if there’s anything that he would want to add to your ...
... hearing Olifant gave evidence that one Ledwaba had infiltrated the ANC.  He was then given weapons and targets to attack.  Ledwaba reported to Warrant Officer Willem Coetzee and it was decided to assist Ledwaba, protecting his cover and securing his credibility, by causing explosions at ...
CHAIRPERSON: I think we indicated 9 o'clock didn't we, to the other people. We'll adjourn till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
MR VISSER: Chairperson, I would have liked to say yes, but unfortunately we now have to lead a witness from Soweto before I could ask the other short witnesses to agree with him. First of all, could the people from the Western Transvaal be excused, Chairperson? Thank you, Chairperson.
MS LOCKHAT: Chairperson, just for the sake of people, for those matters that are set down for next week, for the sake of Mr Jan Wagener who's involved in some of those applications, I just want to place on record that according to our schedule for next week, that all those matters will be postponed ...
The applicants seek amnesty in respect of the robbery of a shop, the Pep Store in Bothabelo on the 17th of February 1992. It is clear from the information placed before us that although one of the persons were armed, no violence was used against the people in the store and they requested money, ...
... of the community generally supported the ANC. The Applicant claims that at the relevant time he and his companions were members of the ANC and towards the end of October the ANC leadership relocated ANC supporters to Polla Park Squatter Camp in Thokoza. Polla Park was also engulfed in ...
It was indeed one of the few occasions where the Committee was privileged to witness a moving reconciliation. We wish to thank all people involved.
As a result of the precarious financial position, the matter was discussed with the chief of MK and it was decided that alternative means, including robbery, in order to obtain the required finance, should be employed. The proviso was that there should be no loss of life and the target should be ...
Because when he just came and collected him, collected her and he didn't tell where he was taking her to. And even after the death, he didn't come to report to us. We just heard that from other people.
I am just wondering if you could just, to me and to everybody else, give us a picture of what was actualy happening on that campus, on that day. Was it that the police just came on and started attacking people without any provocation, or was there something else going that made the police came on ...
The applicant advanced as reasons for the killing of the deceased that the latter was a policeman and that some of the policemen cooperated with the Three Million Gang, a declared enemy of the ANC. This animosity between the ANC and the Three Million Gang resulted in numerous killings of their ...
... intense dislike of the 1st Applicant, also canvassed at the trial.  If a reason has to be found for this disposition of the 2nd Applicant towards the 1st Applicant it is probably to be found in the mere fact of his being one of the group of Generals who the 2nd Applicant, as he had ...
In 1980, as a member of both the Black Students Society and the South African Student Organisation, he participated at a gathering in a protest rally near Bosmont, Gauteng. The rally related to unequal and racially based education. This was in transgression of the Riotous Assemblies Act in that ...
The applicant applies for amnesty in respect of the torture of several people and also in respect of an incident which took place near Willowvale on 21st January 1987.
... vehemently denied that he ever gave any instructions to Applicant to assassinate Mr Songo.  He indicated that he had no personal animosity towards Mr Songo who was one of his classmates at school.  Approximately two weeks after he met Applicant, the latter approached him at the office ...
The applicant further applies for amnesty in respect of assault on a number of people, during interrogations. He took an active part in some of the assaults by pinning the victim to the ground while he was being hit and in other cases he was a bystander who associated him with the assaults. He ...
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