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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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media contingent included national and international representatives, and filled to overflowing the room provided for them. By the end of the week, awareness of the work of the Commission had burst upon the newspapers, television screens and radio broadcasts in a way that began to change the ...
■ THE DEFINITION OF GROSS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS15 The Commission went some way towards meeting the criticisms of gender bias. Nonetheless, there were those who argued that it did not go far enough. Activist lawyer Ms Ilse Olckers, describing discussions between two commissioners and women ...
... 14 Mr Mike Basopu, an activist during the 1980s, was arrested in 1986. At the Mdantsane hearing, he told the Commission that activists were aware of the possibility that they might be tortured: As the freedom fighters, we were struggling; we knew the consequences. What I am trying to say ...
67 Random shootings by the police into demonstrating or fleeing crowds resulted in many physical injuries. A number of victims who came to the Commission were blinded in such shootings. When Ms Sibonisile Maloma was a fifteen-year-old student in Nelspruit, she was shot by the police while ...
59 Ms Hilda Bernstein documented the torture of Black Consciousness leader, Ms Joyce Dipale, while in solitary confinement for 500 days. Dipale’s torture included electric shocks on her naked breasts, buttocks and genitals. She said that she “got used to the pain, but never the humiliation” ...
... suffering only in passing.38 Several of the women who spoke at the special hearings began their testimony by stating their reluctance to come forward. Some said that they felt their sufferings were less severe than those of many other people. Ms Jubie Mayet, who had been banned and detained, ...
■ GENDERED ROLES AND SOCIALISATION21 While a person’s sex is determined by biology, gender is a social construct. It is determined by the relationships between women and men and by the roles they play. One of the more important divisions in terms of gender analysis is that between the ...
■ NON-PRISON EXPERIENCES 98 While torture, as defined by the Commission, occurs in prison or in custody – and is thus primarily perpetrated by agents of the state – there were also women who described gross violations of human rights which occurred outside of captivity, and which were ...
... deponent accordingly. Such deponents still had the right to revert to the Commission with any further arguments or documentation they could put forward. In other cases, details of date, place, event and perpetrators were sufficiently accurate and consonant with known incidents to allow a finding ...
... you up and shoving you into a wall.1671 Ms Zubeida Jaffer recalled how, when the security police came to detain her at her parent’s house, Warrant Officer ‘Spyker’ van Wyk said to me as we were going out of my mom's house, “Pollsmoor Prison is a five star hotel compared to where ...
... labourers on foot would not detonate the explosives. In its first submission it noted that: It was the apartheid regime itself which took steps towards obliterating the distinction between the civilian and military spheres from the time of its adoption of the ‘total strategy’ programme in ...
... period of ‘grand apartheid’, the South African government embarked on a project of profound and widespread social engineering. From the 1960s onwards, millions of individuals were uprooted and relocated – generally to the homelands – in the process of ‘consolidating’ South Africa’s ...
Mozambican incident 25 In January 1992, FRELIMO troops conducted an operation near the South African border. During the course of the operation, they were allegedly exposed to what was thought to have been a chemical agent. Some of the soldiers died during the incident and others required ...
... (‘weaponisation’) and the training of troops in their use. There would also have been at least limited evidence of the use of such agents in warfare.42 The exception to this was the express intention of the military to develop crowd control agents. These included standard agents for the ...
... been carrying such dangerous substances, and that these might have caused the fire on board, leading to the crash.4 Former SAA employees came forward, often anonymously, to support the allegation that it was not unusual for passenger flights to carry dubious parcels destined, they presumed, ...
■ 1976-1982: INDEPENDENCE, CONSOLIDATION AND REMOVALS Historical and political overview 33 In the period 1976 to 1982, the homeland development project initiated by the 1959 Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act reached its peak. Despite threats to the former state from other quarters ...
... FK Mahlangu was known to have participated in the nocturnal raids of balaclava-clad vigilantes that terrorised the township from late March onwards. The house of Mr Peter Kose, the widely respected vice-chairman of the EAC, was attacked and all its doors and windows broken. Subsequently his ...
Volume TWO Chapter SIX Special Investigation intoSecret State Funding ■ INTRODUCTION 1 The use of secret funding to promote the policies of the former state and to fund operations directed against the opponents of apartheid came to the attention of the Commission shortly after its ...
... South Africa by prominent leading European personalities and United States business people and Congress leaders through projects such as Acoda and Swart Sakelui (Black Business People). 22 Individuals were paid to establish relationships and information flow, particularly in Africa. Mr John ...
of their operations regarding Ms Madikizela-Mandela, the MUFC and other associates of the Mandela household. 102 Although the Security Branch was aware of the close relationship between the MUFC and MK, none of the officers who testified acknowledged that the football club was of particular ...
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