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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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CHAIRPERSON: Good afternoon everybody. We were to start today with the application of Mr Richardson which was postponed at the end of last year to continue with the same. I must apologise that we have experienced hiccups in the process that the latest is before I go to what happened first is that ...
[indistinct] just yet. I just want to thank you very much for coming and to hope that you will feel better as a result of having talked to us about the very bad experience that you had when you were in detention and we ask that people should treat those experiences with respect and understanding. ...
MR HAMMOND: Chairperson, while we were busy with discussions regarding how we would penetrate the building mention was made of a rope which we were to use. I climbed many ropes in my life but there are a number of people who don't know how to do that and it was quite high to the basement going ...
... however we are of the view that all those who took part in the preparation and posting of the device knowing it was a bomb must have been aware of the danger of such a device exploding and accidentally killing or injuring people in the vicinity.  It had happened to a previous parcel ...
MR SIBEKO: The picture that I have now is that the rest of the people who were around, did nothing but Makasonke is the one who meted out the punishment, is that a correct picture?
Thr Second Applicant was the commander during this attack and the Third Applicant fell under this command. The Second Applicant testified that their main target was the old age home in Ficksburg and that they intended launching a random attack on houses in the vicinity should there have been any ...
1. Nobody of APLA or the PAC testified on behalf of the applicants and there was no independent evidence to show that the applicants were indeed supporters or members of APLA or that Monde Radebe was a commander of an APLA unit. Although they made reference to having been members of a so-called ...
Whilst we were sleeping, we had a few people singing and as these sounds was approaching, it stop right in front of my yard. It took some time. My brother’s child went into my house, Fundiswa, and she told Funeka that we must go. And Funeka was already up at that stage. They left together.
It was put to applicant that evidence had been led that by 1993 levels of violence at Ermelo had significantly dwindled and that there was no more fighting there. He explained that although violence had generally subsided, in his area which he referred to as the extension where Black Cats were ...
During 1992 the conflict in the area intensified and more supporters from the ANC were killed by people who the applicant believed were members of the IFP. According to the applicant, the police did nothing to investigate these deaths because they sided with the IFP. On the 22nd of February ...
A highlight of the violence was an attack launched on 12 May 1991 by hostel dwellers from Kagiso on the residents of Swanieville. The assistance of Applicant and other residents of Kagiso was enlisted to help the residents of Swanieville to repel the attack. Applicant witnessed the loss of life ...
MR MOMBERG: Chairperson, through the nature of my work and with reference to a previous application of mine to this Committee, the McKenzie application, I used this road every second weekend for three years, between two and three years, and from a reconnaissance view I knew this place quite well ...
The applicant then returned to the vehicle and saw one of the people with him, one Khumbulani Sithole driving the minibus away. Later he was informed that the minibus was driven away and burned near Mpumalanga township. He said he gave no instruction in this regard and did not approve of it. ...
MS BLAAUW: I don't know those people.
MR MBANDAZAYO: Chairperson, on the basis that the applicant at the time of the incident, he was not aware that there were people injured and that property was damaged as a result of what happened on the day in question.
Khosa and Nkoana were used on the day in question as interpreters between the other three and the deceased and as messengers when cooldrinks or other refreshments or food was required. The five of them took the deceased from the office to a place in the vicinity of Cleveland. When they arrived ...
MR VAN RENSBURG: Now, then on behalf of the victims, I just have to put it to you and that is my instructions that the deceased was killed not because of any political reason, because some people in the community were jealous of his ...
CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR VISSER: Mr Snyders, page 232, you state, or let me put it to you like this, Colonel De Kock said that he asked Brigadier Erasmus what would happen if policemen were to arrive. He said, "Shoot them dead". What would happen if members of the public arrived there? He said, ...
The objective of the boycott was purely political, it being instigated to undermine the local authority which was not democratically elected by all the people.
In the evening of the day in question, both the applicant and Jack proceeded to the intended target where they threw a number of petrol-bombs. The operation was a blunder, in that a wrong target was hit, and that was the house belonging to Elizabeth Makwana. Although there were people inside, no ...
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