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people's war

a popular national rebellion of both trained soldiers and ordinary civilians during the mid- to late 80s. The strategy, promoted by the ANC, involved integrating armed MK combatants with mass organisations inside South African townships, and rendering the townships ungovernable through attacks on the security forces and other representatives of the state.

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CHAIRPERSON: Have you had an occasion of studying the application form as it stands before us, Mr Molohlanye? You know we don't want people to be shoddily represented. I must say I am a little upset that it doesn't look like this matter again has been properly prepared for presentation.
The applicant, Phila Martin Dolo, was at all material times a cadre of the Azanian People's Liberation Army, APLA, the military wing of the Pan African Congress, PAC, having received training as such under its auspices outside of the Republic. He was tried and convicted on 5 December 1994 in the ...
MS MAYA: You say that in 1960, June, after people had been shot at Ngquza he was taken by the police, beaten up and detained. Is that so?
MR HEYNEKE: That was the usual procedure and because there may possibly have been people who could see me from a distance and I wanted to ensure that there be no idea that the device may have been harmless.
He says he does not know if the deceased belonged to any political organisation but thinks that he may have attended political meetings as well, because many people in the village attended such meetings which were frequently held at the time. He was then asked if the deceased was opposed to the ...
The above statements can neither be corroborated nor disapproved since Hani is no longer alive. Although the applicant's evidence in this regard was not satisfactory in all respect, it cannot be rejected as untrue. After all Mr Hani's decision would have been influenced by the information ...
In 1980, as a member of both the Black Students Society and the South African Student Organisation, he participated at a gathering in a protest rally near Bosmont, Gauteng. The rally related to unequal and racially based education. This was in transgression of the Riotous Assemblies Act in that ...
The applicant advanced as reasons for the killing of the deceased that the latter was a policeman and that some of the policemen cooperated with the Three Million Gang, a declared enemy of the ANC. This animosity between the ANC and the Three Million Gang resulted in numerous killings of their ...
... intense dislike of the 1st Applicant, also canvassed at the trial.  If a reason has to be found for this disposition of the 2nd Applicant towards the 1st Applicant it is probably to be found in the mere fact of his being one of the group of Generals who the 2nd Applicant, as he had ...
The applicant applies for amnesty in respect of the torture of several people and also in respect of an incident which took place near Willowvale on 21st January 1987.
At the relevant time he was a member of the Azanian People’s Organisation ("AZAPO"). He also served on the executive committee of the Azanian Youth Organisation ("AZANYO") and Azanian Student Movement ("AZASM"), the youth and student wings of AZAPO, respectively. He received military training ...
I am just wondering if you could just, to me and to everybody else, give us a picture of what was actualy happening on that campus, on that day. Was it that the police just came on and started attacking people without any provocation, or was there something else going that made the police came on ...
... vehemently denied that he ever gave any instructions to Applicant to assassinate Mr Songo.  He indicated that he had no personal animosity towards Mr Songo who was one of his classmates at school.  Approximately two weeks after he met Applicant, the latter approached him at the office ...
The applicant further applies for amnesty in respect of assault on a number of people, during interrogations. He took an active part in some of the assaults by pinning the victim to the ground while he was being hit and in other cases he was a bystander who associated him with the assaults. He ...
MR VISSER: Chairperson, I would have liked to say yes, but unfortunately we now have to lead a witness from Soweto before I could ask the other short witnesses to agree with him. First of all, could the people from the Western Transvaal be excused, Chairperson? Thank you, Chairperson.
They didn't tell us to continue looking for other people.
... paces away from the scene screaming at them. He is however unable to say whether Sonwabo shot in their direction or not. In any event he was not aware that a civilian had been shot and killed pursuant to their shooting and only became aware thereof during his criminal trial. He contended that ...
A meeting was called at the house of Applicant Ngobese (application 3480/96). The above allegations were discussed and the meeting of about 30 people decided to kill Mr Mthembu. An unknown number (but at least the six Applicants) proceeded to the deceased's house. The door of the house was ...
It is clear that all the applicants acted in pursuance of a political objective which was within the bounds of the policies and strategies of the PAC, APLA and PASO. It was not their intention to cause injury to the people on the bus and the limpet mine appears to have exploded accidentally. The ...
4. The recruiting of people for military training by the African National Congress ("ANC"), both in and outside of South Africa during the period 1986 to 1990.
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