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Phola park

On 8 April 1992, over a hundred residents of Phola Park, Tokoza, Tvl, were severely beaten with rifle-butts by members of the SADF 32 Battalion, in Thokoza, Tvl, after an SADF member was shot and injured in the area. Two women were shot dead and at least four raped during the raid. An investigation by Justice Goldstone concluded that the soldiers had acted in a manner 'completely inconsistent with the function of a peacekeeping force' and recommended that the unit should not be used for peacekeeping duties anywhere in South Africa.

... between 1990 and 1994 the country was nearly plunged into chaos. There were mass killings on trains, buses and taxis, the killings at Boipatong, Phola park, the rightwing threat. APLA, the armed wing of the PAC, was carrying out terror attacks on white civilian soft targets. One such an attack ...
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