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right-wing attacksExplanation Showing 641 to 660 of 1017 First Page•Previous Page 29 •30 •31 •32 •33 •34 •35 •36 •37 Next Page•Last Page... of July. But on that day that your husband was killed, thirteen other people were killed and sixteen were injured, two seriously. Again in random attacks, involved Sebokeng and Everton. Kitiwe Kheswa of course is dead and therefore cannot tell us anything about the circumstances in which so ... some people were attacked with pangas and assegais, as well as traditional weapons. And the community tried to get together in order to prevent the attacks, but it was very difficult because we were not armed and we were fighting against people who were armed with traditional weapons as well as ... The cross-border operations and reprisal attacks were seldom questioned, yet in spite of all lots of young men could not cope with the pressure during the training and operational duty and took to all sorts of ways to get out of the army. Most common was to develop problems at home. A young man ... MR RICHARD: Thank you. Now, in the documentation alluded to in the various papers and there's the statement, revenge attacks, I presume your answer to the question whether this was a revenge attack or not, is the same as the one as to whether it was retaliatory? MR PRINSLOO: Very well. But were you aware that there were many differences between ANC and IFP in Piet Retief and that there were attacks? Unfortunately I do not have the documents before me, but I think the incident of Mr Msibi was in 1991, and thereafter several incidents took place, during ... solve the one problem but it has just occurred to us that your remarks raise other issues as well because there are many, many cases of bombings and attacks on property, where no doubt there will be allegations made that those people at least believed that their actions were accepted by ... During November 1991 Shoba instructed the applicants to carry out attacks on farmers in the vicinity of Botshabelo, Tweespruit and Verkeerdevlei. He supplied them with a .38 special revolver for this purpose. MR DU PLESSIS: Well Mr Chairman my exhibit is marked wrongly. So I was enquiring exactly which is the right exhibit. I would request Mr Bizos to leave personal attacks out of this. ... And furthermore, you said when violence started you were not affected and when these people were from wherever they were, be it for purposes of attacks or whatever, you started getting affected, which people are you talking about here, is it part of the community that you referred to or from ... ... a large-scale in Swaziland. To my opinion there was a large-scale offence which was being planned, which would include acts of terrorism and bomb attacks within the RSA, and I believed that it was vital for us to apprehend these persons in order to obtain information so that we could determine ... MR TEKANE: The instructions were that we must form units that would protect the units from the attacks of unknown third forces. Now we were supposed to select people who had been to school, who were not involved in criminal activities, people who we trusted that they would be in a position to use ... ... was not assisted by a member of MK and also that it had no structure or hierarchy. The SDU, they state, was formed to protect their community from attacks from supporters of the Inkatha Freedom Party (the IFP). Their SDU had a shortage of firearms and they, the Applicants, decided to take it ... REV CHIKANE: You are starting from the premise here that there was conflict in the country and there were attacks on the Mandela house prior to that. Hand grenades and other issues and exception. And then you have a group of young people who then come and congregate around Mrs Mandela and they ... MR NYAWUZA: Mr Dlamini, was Aubrey Mabola involved in the attacks on the comrades? ... I also had to flee my home, then go into hiding. Therefore the reason we went to rob the shop was because we needed firearms. Were it not for the attacks we suffered we would have had no reason to do ... to assist APLA in it's attacks on these farms. MR MBELO: The purpose of this infiltration was to actually establish who they were and what were they doing. I had to establish as to whether they were doing all the attacks that were in Crossroads. MR NIEUWOUDT: In September, 1984, the unrest started in Port Elizabeth, and it had started with attacks and anarchy in the townships. There were no petrol bombs, according to my knowledge, in January 1984. MR MABENA: On the 5th of November 1992, I was with my colleagues, patrolling in the township. We normally used to have our bases where we would leave certain people behind, who would take care of the situation in our absence, such as in attacks. as the enemy by the township residents. In 1991 the Self Defence Unit was formed in Kathlehong Township. It was to patrol the township and prevent attacks by the enemy. Membership of the SDU was not limited to the supporters of the ANC nut was open to all parties but the IFP. Hence the members ... |