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right-wing attacks

Prior to February 1990, violations committed by members of right-wing organisations took the form of isolated attacks with a strong racist character. During the early 1990s, members of right-wing organisations, perceiving themselves to be placed under siege by the process of constitutional negotiations for a democratic dispensation, carried out a large number of attacks aimed at securing the political interests of conservative Afrikaners. Isolated racist attacks on individuals were replaced by mass demonstrations and orchestrated bombing and sabotage campaigns. Between April 1993 and May 1994, right-wing groups engaged in a range of activities to disrupt the negotiations process then underway, and later to destabilise the electoral process. Many of these acts were directed against persons perceived to be supporters and leaders of the ANC, the SACP, the UDF, the PAC and the National Party, and resulted in gross violations of human rights. Violations of a purely racial character were also carried out against black people. During the pre-election period, the AWB and other right-wing organisations engaged in a bombing campaign with the aim of derailing the electoral process. The objective of these activities was to move towards 'overthrowing' the National Party government and to establish a Boererepubliek (Boer republic) and volkstaat. Public areas such as taxi ranks, bus stops and railway stations were targeted, as were private residential and business premises of those associated with the ANC or the unfolding democratic order. State property was also targeted, especially following the announcement that the Group Areas Act was to be repealed and schools opened to all. A number of formerly 'white' schools were bombed. The campaign involved many acts of sabotage, some of which led to the loss of life.

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It is my submission that attacks similar to these facilitated what used to be known as the Codesa negotiations. It is such
MR RAMASITSI: We were afraid that he was going to burn our kraals as he was renown for his aggressive attacks. So from there we waited for him until we realised that he's not coming, then in the morning we conveyed to our different places. So when we were at our place, they found that the youth, ...
I was in Slovo Section. I had been called upon to base at Slovo Section. As I had already pointed out that I specially enjoyed launching counter-attacks against Inkatha members, it happened that I broke the commander's rules, that is Sipho or Moosa's commands. I was staying at a certain ...
The applicant states that his motive in committing the offences was to enable him to make direct attacks against racially mixed schools and churches with the view to derailing the government in the democratisation process it was pursuing.
MR RICHARD: What I’m trying to understand is, is your answer that special operations had special types of targets against which acts of, attacks should be committed, such as strategic plants, engineering, mining, police, military?
... in Swaziland, we know, we have heard from Pretorius that afterwards Sergeant Langa was indeed sent to Swaziland and where he received weaponry for attacks in South Africa, that he had brought the weapons from ...
... the people of King William's Town and the Border regions and the neighbouring parts to try and protect themselves and defend themselves against the attacks from the government of Brigadier Gozo. And the only enemy was the African National Congress. The only enemy of the government. At the time ...
On the evening of the 25th of June 1985, I was informed by my Commander, Brig Delport, that that evening there would probably be several explosions or bomb attacks in the black areas mentioned above and I was placed on standby for visiting these scenes.
I'll rephrase to state: did you ever see Mr Msizi involved in attacks against the community?
... applicant for an assault, a person could be charged with assault on a person unknown to the State. If one takes the case, for instance, of the dog attacks on certain people which were captured on video, if those people for instance could not be found but you had other evidence of an assault, the ...
ADV BOSMAN: But according to your statement and your evidence, your orders were to establish underground units. Did that also entail an order for attacks?
ADV PRINSLOO: Mr Van Eyck, are you aware that during the so-called onslaught against the country, use was made of all sections of the community to combat this onslaught and attacks by terrorists?
At St Pauls Church in Jabavu as the assaults by police on children in schools spread and the police supported attacks by hostel dwellers on township residence increased, a war of physcosis showed itself. The weekly reports by parishioners to the congregation at the end of Sunday services showed ...
... satellite camps of Crossroads and KTC were not only evicted without a court order, but their homes were burnt and over 60 people were killed during attacks on their homes. Thousands of people had their right to access to adequate housing violated through killings and other severe ill treatment. ...
... I saw a Hippo parking at my gate, and children were assaulted. There were some of the comrades who were guarding me every night because of the attacks that were done on me. When I looked at this situation of these children being assaulted I went to the policemen and I said, "What do you ...
... also - the political climate in that area and the background should also be taken into account. It was a very violent time, there were a lot of attacks from various groups on each other and although it might not have been the official policy of the IFP to instruct its members or supporters to ...
Comrade McBride had discussed with me a number of targets, including attacks on an armed personnel carrier, police casspir and the attach on policemen, the attack on Labour Party collaborators and the attack on police reservists.
MR VAN DEN BERG: Maybe my question was not clear. As I understand from Mr Coetzee, she gave you information with regard to Barney Molokwane, a well known MK member, a person who was involved with the attacks on Sasol 1 and 2?
MS MOLOISANE: Now, you said these, I mean it had never happened in your township, that is such attacks had never been carried in your township. In which townships had they taken place?
MR MORWAENG: I know that because we used to attend meetings with them. Then even after the attacks, members of the community would testify to that effect. His name was mentioned many times.
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