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self-defence units (SDUs)

armed self-defence units set up in the early 1990s by the ANC to protect neighbourhoods

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... they had to go to Hammanskraal so that they had to undergo crash courses to become policemen, because they had to be placed out to, sent to other ...
MR WILLIAMS: Maybe I should ask that to Mr van Zyl. Then I also want to ask you Sir, if one of the units had to for example burn down a premises did they have to seek your authority for that?
MR MADIKIZELA: I'm instructed by Col Fetman that he also visited the scene as a senior officer who was not commanding any of the units that were there. What do you say to that?
MR DE KOCK: Chairperson, by nature of my service it was not a question of being indispensable or not, people could do with you what they wanted, they could get rid of you if they wanted, if they wanted to disband units they could do that.
2A conflicts; people well conversant and those who were left out of the other units were put into contra-mobilisation. Among those who were in the contra-mobilisation, there were those who did qualify to other categories. However, because their background was very good with regards to a ...
MR BUTHELEZI: What I'm trying to explain is that we would have not suffered casualties in my units. When he came with the police they stated it clearly that they were there in connection with the death of that policeman. He was with the police when they came in connection with that matter.
... front command like Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and so on, will take that as an overall command and so on, that would cascade into our Operational Units and so on, and in this case as well, the Basil February Unit derived their mandate from ourselves as the Regional Command ...
MR PRINSLOO: Chairperson, it's difficult to say whether - if one searches for a person, then all the units' informers are tasked, so there are several handlers. So it is possible that quite a number of members who had informers were focused on it and would intensively search for him, as well as ...
CHAIRPERSON: Are you talking about the units?
... because Congress was close to me and Congress had to come straight to me. In 1985 there was a directive from the ANC in exile that certain units from the Umkhonto we Sizwe would not be trained outside the country, but they would be trained inside the country and so we realised that we ...
"... a group of black males entered into the shack and one of the group stabbed me with a spear, while others were breaking my kitchen units and chairs."
... on this, was interested in certain incidents of atrocities such as the disappearance of two businessmen in Mamelodi, the role of murder of robbery units, Constable Brian Makalunga, the PEBCO 3, Goniwe, Shell House, Piet Retief incident and I can list many ...
... was all out and Mbulelo came from that background. Mbulelo himself had escaped. That was not his first escape. Whilst he was working with other units in the country, I learned that he had escaped from another operation and he was the only man trapped or encircled, but he managed to escape and ...
5. The provision of military hardware and material to members of ANC units during the period 1988 to 1990.
... a lot of issues. Perhaps it was also in our discussion, but I cannot say for sure, because we were not talking about the specific targets that the units were supposed to attack. It could have been possible that he did talk to me about his target that he was about to attack, but I never ...
2. A concern about the society beyond the TRC process. While a lot of hidden activities have been uncovered by the TRC investigating units, ICT is concerned that virtually all perpetrators of such gross violations are getting off with impunity. To the extent that we are not calling for ...
CHAIRPERSON: And what department - was he from the Riot Squad units, was he from ...(intervention)
... GRANTED to Applicant in respect of all offences and delicts which resulted from the operations conducted in the Republic of South Africa by the MK Units acting under Applicant's command during or about the period commencing in the 1980s until approximately 1990, including all incidents referred ...
"We should aim to create ANC units, both within the established churches and independent churches and other religious bodies"
MR BERGER: Subsequent to the explosion, did you report your participation, your units participation in that bombing to the leadership of the ANC?
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