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Human Rights Violation Hearings


Starting Date 10 February 1996

Location CRADOCK

Day 2


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REVD FINCA: We will now call Mabel Boniswa Nenga.

REVD XUNDU: Mr Chairman I would like to swear in Mabel Boniswa Nenga. Can you please stand up Ma'am.

MABEL BONISWA NENGA: (sworn states)

REVD XUNDU: Thank you. With your permission Mr Chairman, I would like to ask her questions.

Ma'am you've given us the story of your brother George Mapotiyela Grootboom who was injured in Pearston. Can you please tell us shortly about your story?

MS NENGA: George Mapotiyela Grootboom was my brother. In 1984 they found his corpse near the river in Pearston. I was working in Cape Town.

When I was still at work, the police came to fetch me and they told me my brother has passed away. We buried him. When I arrived home, it was a long weekend, my mother was staying with my brother. When they found his body laying dead the police said that they cannot keep him in Somerset East mortuary, we had to bury him immediately.

I was in Cape Town and I couldn't come within three days to come to the funeral, so they kept my brother's body until Saturday and they told us to burry him before 12 o'clock.

REVD XUNDU: What was the cause of his death?

MS NENGA: Because I was not staying at home at the time of the incident, I couldn't find out what happened and the way



the police were handling this, I couldn't find out what happened.

REVD XUNDU: Was your brother a member of any political organisation?

MS NENGA: I don't know, I didn't ask him while he was still alive. Those who were left behind at home, they didn't know.

REVD XUNDU: The story you have written in your statement, says that he was in a sjibeen that night together with his friends, is that correct?

MS NENGA: Yes, that is correct sir.

REVD XUNDU: And there was a quarrel between himself and you said in your statement, between himself and comrades. What was the cause of this?

MS NENGA: This sjibeen belongs to my cousin's sister. These young men which he quarrelled with I only found out about this story in December, and I would like to request to this Commission to be given a chance because it is now that it is clear about the death of my brother.

Even the people who used to do this, God is using them and is bringing them to me and I request to the Commission, because I am confused now. The police came to me, bringing their clothes, it is only the Death Certificate that is not in my possession.

I have a new statement now which I would like to present.

REVD XUNDU: Thank you. I understand that but here in your statement, the one which you have will also be given consideration and will be combined with the statement which is in front of us. You will not be given a chance to appear in this Commission again, but we will try to investigate and



find out what happened and to try to help you with your request.

You will meet with our investigators, but if you want to continue to tell us about what you have already given us, you can do that. You can continue Ma'am.

MS NENGA: The new information I have, it gives me a clear picture, but these people are not in the same place. I want to meet them all so that I can have some more valid information because they are the ones who were police in Pearston, but they were dismissed from work so they came to me and told me the truth.

REVD XUNDU: I would like you to give us the names of these people so that our investigating team can help you to find out some more information. I think that is a better way.

MS NENGA: It is Jampie Maloy, Koos.

REVD XUNDU: What is Koos' surname?

MS NENGA: I didn't get it, but I phoned his home, they told me he is working in Welkom, but he will be back next week.

REVD XUNDU: Thank you. Our investigators will come to you to try to find out some more and as you are also investigating, they will help you.

Do you have a request to this Commission?

MS NENGA: My request to this Commission is concerning my situation, because I lost my brother. I lost my mother and now I am not well and I am not employed.

REVD XUNDU: Ma'am on behalf of this panel and the Commission we thank you for coming here and telling us the story because you have lost your brother.

I know that this is very painful to you, but now you have found something new to help you to find out what



happened to your brother, I think that will help you.

We will try to send our investigators to help you to find some more so that we can gather some more information and follow what happened. We thank you and we thank God for bringing these people forward.

REVD FINCA: Thank you very much. I want to thank people from Black Sash and other visitors who are here in this hearing today.

We don't like to isolate people, but here in Cradock we have people who come everyday to support these hearings. This is not the usual thing, but I think the Cradock people are showing us participation throughout these sessions of these hearings by the members of Black Sash and by other people who are from those communities which are historically advantaged, it is indeed very highly appreciated.

For them to stay on, not to come in for an hour or two but to stay on throughout the day, from the beginning to the end of the session, is a gesture that I think will go a long way towards showing us that there are people in this country who are serious about our past and who are serious about reconciliation.

We now stand adjourned until tomorrow. We will meet tomorrow at half past eight, it will be our last day tomorrow and we hope by three o'clock we will be finished. Thank you.

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