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TRC Final ReportPage Number (Original) 505 Paragraph Numbers Part 2 continues Volume 1 Chapter 13 Subsection 48 First report: The Matter of S.G. Palazzolo-De Pontes. Second report: Transkei Gambling Rights. Date of Reports: 1989 Chair: HARMS, The Hon L.T.C. Ref: Anns 11, 12/1989 or S297/145 (E) 1989 Commission of Inquiry into Allegations Concerning the Involvement of any Member of the Ministers’ Council in the House of Delegates or any Member of the House of Delegates in any IrregularitiesMandate: As above. Date of Report: 13 March 1989. Chair: JAMES, N. Ref: An 119-89 or S297/136 (E) 1990 Commission of Inquiry into the Death of Clayton Sizwe SitholeMandate: To investigate the circumstances surrounding the death in detention of Clayton Sizwe Sithole on 30 January 1990. Date of Report: 20 February 1990 Chair: GOLDSTONE, R.J. Ref: S297/143 (E) 1990 Commission of Inquiry into Certain Alleged MurdersMandate: To inquire into and to report on certain alleged murders and other unlawful acts of violence committed in the Republic of South Africa (including self-governing territories). If such murders and acts of violence are found to have occurred, to investigate what bodies and organisations were responsible for these acts. The mandate was extended to include an investigation into and report on the allegation that one Anton Lubowski was a paid agent of the SADF: Military Intelligence Section. Date of Report: September 1990 Chair: HARMS, L.T.C. Ref: RP 108-90 (A); RP 109-90 (E); S297/151 (A); S297/152 (E). 1990 Commission of Inquiry into the Salvage on the ‘An Hung No. 1’ and Related MattersMandate: To investigate and report on the effectiveness of existing measures and their application with regard to the salvage of the stranded fish trawler ‘An Hung No. 1’ and its cargo, and to make recommendations accordingly. Date of Report: 2 October 1990 Chair: DE BEER, J. Ref: RP 104/1990 1990 Commission of Inquiry into the Incidents at Sebokeng, Boipatong, Lekoa, Sharpville and Evaton on 26 March 1990Mandate: To investigate all the factual circumstances around the violent incidents at Sebokeng, Boipatong, Lekoa, Sharpville and Evaton on 26 March 1990 during which people were killed or injured, and to report urgently. Date: 27 June 1990 Chair: GOLDSTONE, R.J. Ref: G68 E2 15/90 |