TRC Final Report
Page Number (Original) 5 Paragraph Numbers Listing
Volume 4
Chapter 1 Subsection 2
Armed Forces and Police
- African National Congress
- Azanian Peoples' Liberation Army
- Barnard, L D
- De Haas, M
- Foundation for Equality before the Law: Stadler, H D
- Hechter, J
- Liebenberg, W R
- Malan, MAde M
- Ministry of Defence
- Molebeleli, T
- National Intelligence Agency
- Odendal, C A J
- Schoon, W F
- South African National Defence Force
- South African Police Service
- Van der Merwe, J V
- Williamson, C M
Business and Labour
- Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut
- Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd
- Anti-Apartheid Movement
- Armaments Corporation of South Africa (ARMSCOR)
- Avalon Cinemas South Africa (Pty) Ltd
- Ball, C
- Bernstein, A
- Black Management Forum
- BMW South Africa
- Brown, G D
- Building Industries Federation of South Africa
- Bulk Commodities International
- Centre for Policy Studies
- Chamber of Mines
- Coleman, A
- Congress of South African Trade Unions
- Consultative Business Movement
- Crawford-Browne, T
- De Castro-Moura, M M
- Development Bank of Southern Africa
- Economic Advisory Council: Warren Clewlow
- Eskom
- Ex-Ford Workers Committee
- Federated Mining and Allied Industries Workers Union
- Flynn, L
- Food and General Workers Union
- Foundation of African Business and Consumer Services
- Fourie, R
- Genkor Limited
- German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Groenendijk, C
- Hulett Aluminium (Pty) Ltd
- Investor Victims Association
- Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Juergensen, B
- Jumuna, N
- Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa
- Loyson, M
- Mercedes-Benz S A
- Mkhwanazi, D
- Muller, K M
- Nampak Limited
- Narrandes, C
- National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa
- National Business Initiative for Growth, Development & Democracy
- National Campaign on the Apartheid Debt
- National Small Business Council
- Old Mutual
- Padayachi, N
- Phaswana, F
- Rakgahla and Associates
- Reichenberg and Co.
- Rembrandt Group Ltd
- Reynecke Inc. for Financial Research Foundation
- Rosholt, A M
- Rubenstein Finance Company
- Rupert, E A
- South African Breweries
- South African Motor Industry Employers' Association
- South African Reserve Bank
- Sanlam
- Shell South Africa
- Simkins, C
- Soller and Manning
- South African Black Technical and Allied Careers Organisation
- South African Chamber of Business
- South African Communist Party
- South African Democratic Teachers' Union
- South African Federated Chamber of Industries
- Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa
- Terreblanche, S
- Textile and Clothing Industry
- Textile Federation
- The Centre for Conflict Resolution
- The Land and Agricultural Bank
- The Tongaat-Hulett Group Ltd
- Toyota S A
- Transnet
- Tucker, R S K
- Tyacke, E and Lowry, D
- Van Niekerk, P
- Van Zyl, J
- Wiehahn, N
- Zimema, P M
Children and Youth
- Human Rights Committee
- Junior Rapportryerbeweging
- Justice Goldstone, R J - several submissions
- KwaZulu-Natal Programme for Survivors of Violence
- National Children and Violence Trust
- National Children’s Rights Committee
- Ndlozi, G
- Nkomo, M N
- Reynolds, P and Dawes, A
- Smith, T S J
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Amnesty International
- Baragwanath Hospital
- Centre for Psychosocial and Traumatic Stress
- Citizens' Commission on Human Rights South Africa
- Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa
- Dental Association of South Africa
- Department of Health
- Department of Psychiatry, Tygerberg Hospital
- Fanner, M
- Greater Johannesburg Welfare, Social Service and Development Forum
- Groote Schuur Hospital Region
- Independent Mediation Service of South Africa
- Independent Medico-Legal Unit:
- Main submission
- Maller, R
- Colvin, M
- Reid, S and <b>Giddyb>, J
- Lasich, A J
- Akoojee, S B
- Nel, J P
- Organisation for Approriate Social Services for South Africa
- Health Psychology Unit, Centre for Peace Action, University of South Africa
- Holomisa, B
- Islamic Medical Association South Africa
- Jeppe, C
- Johannesburg Child Psychotherapy Group
- Johannesburg Welfare Society
- Khulumani Support Group
- Kistnasamy, M B
- Klatzow, D J
- Lasich, A J
- Medical Research Council
- Medical Association of South Africa
- Medical University of South Africa
- Mohare, D E
- National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, Maryland, USA
- National Traditional Healers Association of Southern Africa
- Organisation For Appropriate Social Services for South Africa
- Pillay, S R
- Professional Board for Occupational Therapy
- Progressive Doctors' Group
- Psychology Association of South Africa
- Rataemane, S
- Respiratory Clinic
- Society of Psychiatrists of South Africa
- Soobiah, R
- South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care
- South African Council for the Aged
- South African Medical and Dental Council
- South African Medical and Dental Practitioners Association
- South African Medical Service
- South African Medical Students Association
- South African Nursing Council
- South African Pharmacy Council
- University of Cape Town: Dept of Community Health
- University of Cape Town: Dept of Medicine
- University of Cape Town: Dept of Pharmacology
- University of Cape Town: Dept of Primary Health Care
- University of Natal: Medical School
- University of Pretoria
- University of the Witwatersrand
- University of the Western Cape - Centre for Student Counselling
- Van Speyk, V
- Vegetarian Society of South Africa
- Vitus, L
- Witwatersrand Mental Health Society
- World Federation for Mental Health
- Bothma, K
- Chaskalson, A; Langa, P; Mahomed, I; Corbett, M M; Van Heerden, H J O
- Coetzee, L F
- Grundlingh, L and Smit, R
- Hain, P
- Hendrickse, M A
- Joubert, A J M
- Kitson, D
- Kleyn, J J G C
- Lategan, B
- Madlala-Routledge, N
- Mokhele, T
- Pepinsky, H E
- Skoulariki, P
- Southall, R and Wood, G
- Van Hees, S
- Zeiss, R K R
Law and H Rights
- Ackermann, L W H
- Addison, G
- Aitchison, J J W
- Amnesty International
- Anonymous - Afrikaans letter from a mother re: conscript
- Anonymous - re: Conscripts
- Anti-Apartheid Movement
- Association of Law Societies of the RSA
- Black Lawyers Association
- Botha, C
- Bozalek, L J
- British Rights Watch
- Cachalia, F
- Cameron, E
- Campus Law Clinic
- Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
- Chatsworth Child and Family Welfare Society
- Coetzee-Andrew, M
- Commission for Gender Equality; South African Human Rights
- Commission and South African NGO Coalition
- Community Law Centre; Development Action Group; Legal Resources Centre; Black Sash; NGO National Coalition; National Land Committee; National Literacy Co-operative: Peoples' Dialogue; Urban Sector Network
- Corbett, M M
- CURAMUS: Botha, J H
- Deegan, J
- D’Oliveira, J A v S
- De Ridder, T
- De Vries, A P
- Department of Justice
- Die Afrikanerbond
- Du Plooy, N
- Dyzenhaus, David
- Eloff, C F
- Expatriates of Hambanathi
- Forsyth-Winberg, T D
- Friedman, G
- General Council of the Bar of South Africa
- Goldblatt, B and Meintjes, S
- Goldstein, E L
- Goldstone, R J
- Govender, K
- Graaf, M
- Harms, L T C
- Hart, O D
- Hattingh, J
- Hemson, D
- Human Rights Committee
- Human Rights Watch (South Africa Desk)
- International Association of Democratic Lawyers
- Jana, P
- Joffe, M M
- Joubert, C P
- Jurgens, J W
- Keys, Liza
- Khumalo, J A M
- Kriek, J J
- Laka
- Land and Agriculture Policy Centre
- Langa, P N
- Langeveld, L J
- Ledgerwood, T
- Legal Resources Centre
- Lichtenberg, E K W
- Liebenberg, I
- Lowenstein International Human Rights Law Clinic of Yale Law School, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights and others
- Magistrates' Commission
- McBride, P and Ekambaram, S
- McNally, T P
- Melamet, D A
- Minnaar, A
- Moll, P G
- Mtetwa, C J
- Nathan, L
- National Association of Democratic Lawyers
- National Association of Independent Lawyers
- National Association of Law Societies in South Africa
- National Literacy Co-operation and other educational stakeholders
- National Police and Public Civil Rights Union
- Nel, C D H O
- Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa
- Network of Independent Monitors, Port Shepstone
- Olivier, Pierre J J
- Omar, A M - Minister of Justice
- Practical Ministries
- Rasefate, R E
- Rautenbach, E D
- Ravele, F H
- Richard, A
- Roberts, L J
- Rossouw, D J
- Sandager, A
- Sarkin, J and Varney, H
- Satchwell, K
- Schwartzman, I
- Selikowitz, S
- Simelane, B Q P
- Skosana, J B
- Smalberger, J W; Howie, C T; Marais, R M; Scott, D G
- Society of University Teachers of Law
- Sole, S
- South African Council for Town and Regional Planners
- South African Medical Services Care for the Disabled
- South African National Council for Child and Family Welfare
- South African Police Service
- South African Prisoners' Organisation for Human Rights
- South African Veterans Association: Tucker, P and Van Niekerk, M
- Steele, R
- Steiner, C
- Torr, D
- Travers, G N
- Tshishonga, M M
- Tswana Renaissance Movement
- University of Potchefstroom
- University of the Witwatersrand
- University of Venda
- Urban Monitoring and Awareness Committee
- Van Zyl, D H
- Von Lieres und Wilkau, K P C O
- White, C S
- Wright, G F
- Africa Muslim Party
- African National Congress
- Alternative Media in the Cape: Badat, S; Fisher, R; Issel, J; Jackson, D; Jaffer, M; Patel, L; Seria, R and Williams, M
- Barker, M
- Bekker, Jo-Ann
- Bird, E and Garda, Z
- Bothma, P
- Broadcast Monitoring Project
- Bussiek, H and C
- De Beer, A S
- Dickson, P J
- Du Plessis, T
- Du Preez, M
- Etherington, G
- Evans, G
- Forbes, D
- Forum of Black Journalists
- Freedom of Expression Institute:
- Main Submission
- Kable, J
- Martin, K
- Moorhead, K
- Naum, J
- Nix, J
- Gardiner, William
- Gerber, A
- Hancock, R S
- Harris, K
- Institute for Democratic Alternatives in South Africa
- Jacobs, S
- Jaffer, Z
- Khathide, B
- Killeen, P S
- Klaaste, A
- Kramer, P S
- Kruger, F and Harris, L
- Loewe, M
- Maluleke, E
- Marincowitz, A
- Mathiane, N
- Matisonn, J
- Mayet, Z
- McMillan, J O
- McPherson, J L
- Media Institute of Southern Africa
- Media Monitoring Project
- Media Workers' Association of South Africa
- Mokwena, L
- Moyle, D
- Muller, K M
- Nasionale Pers:
- Adams, S
- Adema, S
- Alfonso, T
- Bezuidenhout, C N
- Boezak, E
- Booyens, J M
- Botha, A
- Botha, L
- Bothma, J P
- Botma, G J
- Brynard, K
- Burger, A
- Caldecott, R
- Church, R J
- Claassen, G
- Coetzee, A
- Coetzee, C
- Coetzee, S
- Cornelissen, A S
- De Beer, B
- De Beer, E
- De Lange, L
- De Meyer, J
- De Waal, E
- De Waal, E J
- Du Preez, L
- Els, J
- Engelbrecht, T
- Erasmus, E
- Eybers, J
- Fillies, A
- Fourie, C
- Fourie, R
- Gouws, A
- Grobler, M
- Hudson, M
- Keiser, G
- May, J
- Olivier, V
- Potgieter, De Wet
- Pretorius, W
- Prinsloo, A
- Rossouw, A
- Schafer, M
- Slabber, C
- Swartz, M
- Van der Merwe, L
- Van der Stad, M
- Van Rooyen, A
- Van Wyk, M
- Waldner, M
- Nuttal, J
- Orpen, B
- Pakendorf, H
- Patten, J
- Pogrund, B
- Pretorius, J
- Procter, J
- Qwelane, D J
- Rogers, P M
- Scholtz, L
- Smith, M
- South African Communist Party
- South African National Defence Force
- South African Union of Journalists
- Sparks, A
- Stanbridge, R
- Steward, A
- Subramoney, M
- Terreblanche, S
- Times Media Ltd
- Turner, N
- Van Deventer, J H
- Van Druten, R
- Viljoen, C
- Viviers, J C
- Watts, R
- Weekly Mail and Guardian
- Will, R G
- Woods, D
Political Parties
- African Christian Democratic Party
- African National Congress
- Democratic Party
- Inkatha Freedom Party
- National Party
- Pan Africanist Congress
- United Democratic Front
- Vryheidsfront
- Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa
- Baptist Convention of South Africa
- Baptist Union of South Africa
- Belydendekring van Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerke
- Catholic Church
- Church of England in South Africa
- Church of the Province of Southern Africa
- Dharma Centre
- Dutch Reformed Church, Stellenbosch Circuit
- Dutch Reformed Church, Western and Southern Cape
- Dutch Reformed Church: Swanepoel, F
- Evangelical Alliance of South Africa
- GESHER (Jewish Movement for Social Action)
- Ibandla Lama Nazareth
- Institute for Contextual Theory
- International Federation of Christian Churches
- Jamiatul Ulama, Transvaal: Bham, E I
- Jewish Religious Community
- Mathews, C
- Methodist Church of Southern Africa
- Moravian Church in South Africa
- Morgan, L
- Muslim Judicial Council
- Muslim Youth Movement: Nisaar Dawood
- National Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is
- Nuttall, M
- Old Apostolic Church
- Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys
- Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa
- Ramakrishna Institute of Spirituality and Hinduism
- Reformed Presbyterian Church of South Africa
- Research Institute on Christianity in South Africa
- South African Council of Churches
- South African Council of Churches: Tema, E M
- South African Hindu Maha Sabha
- Sundberg, L
- United Congregational Church of Southern Africa
- United Methodist Church of South Africa: Nkosinathi Madikizela
- Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa
- Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa – Messina Congregation
- World Conference on Religion and Peace - South African Chapter
- Zion Christian Church