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Special Report Transcript Episode 25, Section 4, Time 29:58Under the heading ‘special projects’ support for anti-Marxist liberation movements, Mortimer talked about SADF support for UNITA in Angola, RENAMO in Mozambique and the Lesotho Liberation Army. And then he dropped in this insignificant little paragraph. // Inkatha. In 1985 chief minister Buthelezi requested paramilitary support from the RSA government. The RSA government decided on the 20th of December 1985 to grant him the support and tasked the SADF to render the support. This project was known as Operation Marion. // Operation Marion? Should I believe that in all these conflicts in the black areas as we blacks and other, what do you call, progressive, what do you call, people in the organisation have been saying that. In these conflicts we have had the hand of a third force. And I know that the government all along has been denying that. I know that you’ve made presentations during the past as if the government all starting from the prime minister and president, they were saying that there was no third force. But now it comes out clear here, if you do this analysis of the quotation that indeed the third force was involved. You can make a comment. Was there any third force in the black on black violence in this country? // To the best of my knowledge, no. Notes: SADF on special projects; Mortimer; Dr Khoza Mgojo (Truth Commission); Mortimer References select each tab to search for references TRC Final ReportThe State Security Council and Angola 49 With the accession to power of Mr PW Botha in September 1978, the war against Angola became a government priority. In March 1979, the State Security Council (SSC) adopted two strategy documents pertaining to Angola. One was a total national strategy ... ■ POLICE AND MILITARY COUNTER-INSURGENCY OPERATIONS IN MOZAMBIQUE AND ANGOLA: OPERATIONS ALTER/MILA AND SILWER/DISA 189 Details of the SADF’s military strategies in Angola and Mozambique were discussed above. These surrogate operations were launched in implementation of these strategies, ... The latter 1980s: Collusion with the South African security forces 233 By 1985, Inkatha supporters found themselves increasingly under attack by virtue of the positions they held within local government and homeland structures. Threats of assassination against Chief Buthelezi in 1985 prompted the ... |