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Special Report Transcript Episode 29, Section 6, Time 36:53This was the week the Archbishop and the big crocodile had rooibos tee and worsrolletjies [rooibos tea and sausage rolls] together. They even held hands. // How was the meeting gentlemen? // Well, it doesn’t seem that we’re cross with each other. // No, we had a good meeting and I’m not going to say a great deal more than that it was a meeting held in a very good atmosphere, very friendly atmosphere and that I’m looking forward to reporting to my colleagues. I will then have the press conference at four o’clock at Bishop’s court. But we had a good meeting. // Yes, I agree sir and as far as I’m concerned I thank the Archbishop for coming so far to George. I want to thank our hosts for allowing us to meet under such pleasant conditions here. I’m just sorry that the rain has taken away the sunshine on [inaudible], but that’s not all our fault. We obey orders from above. // Mister Botha, how would you describe the mood of this meeting? // Very pleasant meeting. I know the Archbishop. I’ve met with him when I was still Prime Minister of South Africa so it’s not something new to meet him. // Now you meet with him as the Chairman of the Truth Commission. Will you will be cooperating with the Truth Commission? // I’m out of public life. You must remember it. I resigned as president on the 14th of August 1989. But what I have to say to the Archbishop in our personal discussions this morning I will make available to the press in a written form. I’m out of party politics, you must remember it. I don’t want to re-enter it. // ”Is daar ‘n moontlikheid dat U vir die Waarheids Kommissie sal getuig?” [Is there a possibility that you will give evidence to the Truth Commission?] // ”Ek is uit die party politiek uit” [I am out of party politics]. // ”Ja, maar U was in bewind gewees.” [Yes, but you were in power]. // ”Ek sal se wat ek wil aan die pers in die verklaring wat ek sal uitreik”. [I will say what I like in the testimony I will make available to the press]. Notes: Max du Preez; Press outside Botha home; Botha; Tutu; Botha; Press; Botha; Press; Botha; Afrikaans press; Botha; Archbishop Tutu and Botha pose for photographs. Photographer: ‘Look happy please mister Botha’ References: there are no references for this transcript |