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Special Report
Transcripts for Section 1 of Episode 3

00:00IntroFull Transcript
00:19Hello. It was a grueling week. The Truth Commission in Gauteng this week delved deep in the worst evils of our past, like the assassination of activists. In tonight’s report we look at the assassinations of David Webster, Abram Tiro, Beki Mlangeni, Jeanette and Katryn Schoon, Ruth First and Dulcie September, and the bomb attack on Albie Sachs, and death in detention - the people the government told us over the years had slipped on bars of soap, or jumped from high windows, or committed suicide. The Commission heard of three of a long list of people who died in police cells. Remember Ahmed Timol, Neil Aggett, Suliman Saloojee?Full Transcript
01:00There’s been a lot of evil. There’s been a lot of evil in this country. It’s being exorcised, but there’s been a lot of evil.Full Transcript
01:17But there was another evil in our past, human rights violations inside the ANC’s detention camps in Angola. We’ll take a good look at that too tonight. Let’s first go inside the cells of death.Full Transcript
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