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Special Report Transcript Episode 76, Section 2, Time 39:03

For the past three days we’ve been listening to sometimes conflicting but nevertheless extremely damning evidence about kidnapping and vicious assault on four young people. We should also not forget that Madikizela-Mandela was convicted of kidnapping by a court of law and there’s very little doubt that Madikizela-Mandela tried very hard to destroy Paul Verryn’s life. The Crisis Committee knew all this back in 1989. They should not be surprised when eyebrows are raised about their obvious reluctance to speak freely and openly about the human rights violations committed in the period that they were called the Mandela Crisis Committee. Perhaps the one exception here is Minister Sydney Mufamadi. Tomorrow we will listen to other community leaders whose lack of decisive action was criticized at the time. We will also hear from the two UDF leaders who did have the courage of their conviction in 1989 to act against Madikizela-Mandela.

Notes: Max du Preez

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