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Special Report Transcript Episode 83, Section 1, Time 02:37

And I started to turn the sling of this shock device. // It was for a short while, l think it turned once or twice and then it was stopped and asked whether he would cooperate, he answered no or sometimes he remained silent and it was repeated two or three times. // Can you say how this machine is turned? Is it a sling that is turned quickly? // Yes, almost like an old fashioned farm telephone. // And everyone that you mentioned Mr Zeelie, Van Niekerk, Mostert and yourself, you were present. // Yes, that is correct. // Did anyone do the talking? // Many talked, many asked questions, but mostly I would say that I asked him because I was busy with the interrogation. I asked him questions and he didn’t answer me or he said he was not going to cooperate. // And you say that the machine was turned approximately two three times, what happened then? // Then his head just fell over forward.

Notes: Johan du Preez; Jakobus Engelbrecht; Louisa van der Walt (Lawyer for applicant); Engelbrecht; Van der Walt; Engelbrecht; Van der Walt; Engelbrecht; Van der Walt; Engelbrecht

References: there are no references for this transcript

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