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Special Report Transcript Episode 86, Section 5, Time 46:03The amnesty hearings of the two right wingers who killed Communist Party leader Chris Hani ended this week. If the Committee believes that Clive Derby-Lewis and Janusz Walus did have a political motive, acted on behalf of or on the orders of a legitimate political party, made a full disclosure of all the facts in this case and that the murder was in proportion to the political aims they will have to grant the two men amnesty. Some men who are alleged to have perpetrated human rights violations in the past did not ask for amnesty. Many of them will now face criminal prosecution, like Ferdi Barnard, convicted murderer, former policemen and former member of the army’s civil cooperation bureau. Barnard is appearing before the Pretoria High Court, among other things on charges of killing activist David Webster. His former girlfriends and wife have been spilling the beans about him and now some of his former comrades are also beginning to speak out. Inevitably, region 6 of the CCB came up this past week. But not unexpectedly, the information did not go much beyond that which was uncovered by the Harms Commission 8 years ago. Notes: Max du Preez References select each tab to search for references TRC Final Report155 The need to ‘eliminate’ the ANC as a threat led to the adoption of an internal strategy of counter-revolutionary warfare. A number of developments reflect this change. 156 First, there was a marked shift in the terminology used in SSC and related documentation. Words such as ... Aksie Kontra 435 137 There is also evidence that these funds were used to mobilise the white right wing, which formed an organisation called Aksie Kontra 435. One of its members, Mr Horst Klenz, applied for amnesty [AM0316/96] for his involvement, with two others, (Mr Leonard Veneendal and Mr ... 1986–1989 261 On 4 June 1986, a senior MK operative, Mr Philip Nwanematsu (aka Pansu Smith), and two other ANC members, Mr Busi ‘Mzala’ Majola and Mr Sipho Dlamini, were killed in a raid on a house in the Dalraich section of Mbabane, Swaziland. Pansu was believed by the security police to ... 291 In September 1987, an attempt was made in Harare on the life of Ms Connie Braam, the head of the Dutch Anti-Apartheid Movement. Checking into the Bronte Hotel after a conference, Ms Braam found two jackets hanging in a cupboard in her room. 292 Later that evening, Ms Braam wore one of the ... ■ SPECIAL OPERATIONS OF A SENSITIVE OR COVERT NATURE: THE CCB Die CCB is die benaming soos ons vanoggend hier sit, van ‘n bordjie op ‘n tafel, in plaas van om daar te sê Spesiale Operasies van covert aard, staan daar Burgerlike Samewerkingsburo op ‘n gewone oggendkonferensie van ... 359 On 22 July 1986, an ANC member, Mr Joseph Mothopeng, was abducted from his home in Lesotho by unknown South African Security Branch members from Ladybrand and killed. Few details are available and no amnesty applications were received for this operation. It is possible Mothopeng may also ... 147 The evidence of the CCB’s intelligence head, Christoffel Nel, is regarded by the Commission as important corroborating evidence of the CCB’s role. 148 It is well established that the CCB was set up as a covert grouping with the purpose, among others, of killing political opponents. So, ... ■ POLICE AND MILITARY CROSS-BORDER OPERATIONS Assassinations, ambushes and abductions Not even South Africa’s borders stopped them … Nobody had been safe anywhere in the world. (Former Vlakplaas Commander Eugene de Kock’s trial evidence in mitigation, 8 October 1996.) 207 The cases ... 273 Over the Easter weekend in 1987, an operation to assassinate a senior member of MK’s Special Operations Unit, Mr Johannes Mnisi, failed. Instead, three Batswana citizens were killed and seven injured. Mnisi was believed by the security police to have been involved in the Church Street ... 466 TREWITS became fully operational on 12 January 1987 when it moved into its new offices on the 7th Floor, Charter House, Bosman St, Pretoria. Documentation describes TREWITS as being: ‘n nuwe, gesamentlike poging deur die betrokke lede van die IG om ‘n hegte inligtingsbasis vir ... ■ KILLING 221 As levels of conflict intensified, the security forces came to believe that it was no longer possible to rely on the due process of law and that it was preferable to kill people extra-judicially. Evidence of this is contained in numerous amnesty applications as well as section ... Other sabotage attacks 530 Aside from the above two highly publicised cases, the Commission received numerous amnesty applications from former members of the security forces detailing other attacks on offices, on individuals’ homes and on vehicles belonging to opponents of the government. 531 ... 15 Right-wing organisations were also active and vocal during this period, expressing their resistance to the changing political order. The right wing was responsible for several random attacks on black people as well as a more focused campaign of bombings before the elections in April 1994. 16 ... Transkei and Ciskei 147 In July 1989, Transkei arrested six heavily-armed white men who allegedly set off from South Africa, crossed the border with ease and headed to Umtata to kill Holomisa. In December 1989 two more South Africans, including a serving member of the SAP, were arrested in ... 15 Right-wing organisations were also active and vocal during this period, expressing their resistance to the changing political order. The right wing was responsible for several random attacks on black people as well as a more focused campaign of bombings before the elections in April 1994. 16 ... Surrogate forces 522 Evidence has shown that, through contra-mobilisation, the notion of ‘strategic communication’ (STRATCOM) or ‘communications operations’ (COMOPS) was extended to include the establishment or covert support of groups opposed to the mass movements and the ANC. The ... The right wing and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) 293 The AVF and the IFP became formally linked by the formation of COSAG in 1993, and its successor, the Freedom Alliance. Officially, the Freedom Alliance (FA) was a political pressure group, consisting of the AVF, the IFP, the Ciskeian and ... ■ THE HOMELANDS: TRANSITION AND INCORPORATION Historical and Political Overview 138 The effects of the watershed in South African politics following the February 1990 unbannings was also felt in the homelands. Throughout the years of CODESA I and II, as well as the multi-party talks at the ... Killings 43 During this period political opponents continued to be killed in circumstances which pointed directly to security force involvement. External killings 44 On 22 April 1990, four members of the Chand family, Samsodien, Hajira and their two young deaf children, Amina and Ridwan, were ... Killings 43 During this period political opponents continued to be killed in circumstances which pointed directly to security force involvement. External killings 44 On 22 April 1990, four members of the Chand family, Samsodien, Hajira and their two young deaf children, Amina and Ridwan, were ... |