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Special Report Transcript Episode 99, Section 1, Time 51:58

‘My deepest regret is that I failed Stompie that I was unable to protect him from the anarchy of those times and he was taken from my house and killed…’ // Who killed him? You are the one who killed Stompie. // ‘I am astounded that political loyalties could not stand a single test, that it could even be dreamt that I would be responsible for the murder of a child …’ // She killed, she knows she killed. // ‘…When I have spent all my life fighting against these injustices, appals me.’ // ‘I feel betrayed. The ultimate humiliation by my own people. This surely is not the South Africa I ruined my life for. It cannot be. I’m not guilty of any crime…’ // You’re guilty, because if you’re not guilty, why am I here? // ‘…Why must I be treated this way by the world media and the local media?’

Notes: Winnie Mandela to Parliament; Katiza Cebekhulu; Winnie Mandela; Winnie Mandela, public speech

References: there are no references for this transcript

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