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A member of the SAP who was shot and seriously wounded by APLA members in an armed attack on the Sentra Hyperserve supermarket at Wesselsbron, Orange Free State, on 3 July 1993. Five people were killed and four were wounded in the attack. Six APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/2000/250). See APLA attacks.

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... I’m just sorry that the rain has taken away the sunshine on [inaudible], but that’s not all our fault. We obey orders from above. // Mister Botha, how would you describe the mood of this meeting? // Very pleasant meeting. I know the Archbishop. I’ve met with him when I was still Prime ...
... the negotiations period. The final segment features extracts from satirist Pieter Dirk Uys? Truth Omissions that include impersonations of PW Botha, Pik Botha and Archbishop Tutu. ...
Minister of Defence, PW Botha became president in 1979 after BJ Vorster resigned. The South African Defence Force stepped into power with him. Botha initiated a period of reform which included the scrapping of many apartheid laws including the mixed marriages act, the population registration act ...
... violent crimes during the negotiations era; Trust Feed killer Brian Mitchell was granted amnesty as well as former Conservative Party MP Koos Botha, for bombings during 1990 and 1991; right wingers Jean du Plessis and Cornelius van Wyk and the Van Straaten brothers were denied amnesty for ...
... episode provides background to the special hearings on the State Security Council held in Johannesburg (14 October). Former cabinet ministers Pik Botha, former Adriaan Vlok, Roelf Meyer and Leon Wessels gave testimony at the hearing. Although they all expressed regret for past evils, Leon ...
... Richard Lyster, Mary Burton, Yasmin Sooka and Sisi Khampepe. The final segment is a report on CCB members Staal Burger, Slang van Zyl and Callas Botha who as before, at the Harms Commission and the David Webster inquests, gave what seems to be ?arranged? accounts of certain CCB ?projects? in ...
... (4 to 5 December). Former Defence Minister Magnus Malan admitted that the SADF?s raids into Lesotho, Botswana and Zimbabwe were approved by PW Botha. PW refused to appear before the Truth Commission. The final segment reports on the amnesty hearing of Chris Hani?s murderers, Clive ...
... Coloured identities to ensure a better life, and now want to reclaim their ethnic identities. The episode ends with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and PW Botha meeting the press outside Botha?s home. ...
Johannesburg (15 to 17 September) It focuses at the SABC?s role as chief propagandists of the state, including clips from the Verwoerd, Vorster and Botha eras? pro-state anti-liberation movement propaganda films. It also looks at the police spies who infiltrated newspapers, including interviews ...
The first segment of this episode reports on PW Botha, who appeared before the George Magistrate this week for refusing to appear before the Truth Commission and on his refusal to apologise later at a press conference. The second segment reports on part two of the special hearings on the MUFC held ...
In fact there were far more members of the South African and international media than supporters of Botha. // Only a few friends and supporters of Botha, six media people and some ANC representatives were allowed inside the court where Botha had to face Magistrate Victor Lugaju, president of the ...
... He told me that the instruction had been approved by General Coetzee, with the knowledge and approval of Minister Louis Le Grange and President PW Botha. ...
Why are you warning us? [unclear] // Every nation has a tiger in himself. The moment you attack the pride of a nation, you attack the cultural values of a nation, the deep beliefs of his existence and his self respect, that moment you awaken the tiger in him. // What’s the tiger going to do? // ...
... some people call it muti, plays in a conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. Let me introduce you to the four actors who starred in this week”s drama. Pik Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs between 1977 and 1994. // ”En ek gee nie vanaand om of Oliver Tambo deur Reagan ontmoet word en of hy deur ...
Are you saying you never did anything wrong, that’s why you won’t apologise? // No but you are always in front to do wrong things. I know that gentleman, I know that gentleman. He’s one of the gentlemen I don’t like. // Are you going to apologise for the people who died in jail, who died in ...
And then it is all blamed on so-called apartheid. Read the books and the speeches written about me. Read my speeches in Parliament and you will see that this is a hollow cry, this parrot cry of apartheid. While I expressly stated in the open that apartheid is an Afrikaans word and can be easily ...
Die beginsel van een man een stem kan nie in Suid-Afrika werk nie [The principle of one man one vote cannot work in South Africa]. It can’t work because it didn’t work elsewhere in Africa. // I have applied self discipline during the past weeks and months. I’ve been lenient and patient. ...
It was 1 am, December 20, 1985. A few days earlier their daughter Phoenix had her 1st birthday. Leon was in the bathroom when the house was attacked. Jacqui was murdered first. We could later see how Leon tried to break off the burglar bars. Bullets lay strewn in the bathroom and there were bullet ...
PW Botha was not the architect of apartheid, but he was a fervent believer in separating races by force and rule by whites only. As a Cabinet Minister he was personally responsible for forced removals, among other places District Six. But Botha was the architect of destabilisation of neighbouring ...
Referring to the December 1985 raid into Lesotho in which seven people died De Kock said ‘I have no doubt that State President PW Botha must have known about this.’ After the raid De Kock and his men were decorated with the police cross for bravery, one of three medals for bravery that De Kock ...
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