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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter C

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CELE, TitiseAn ANC supporter who was shot and burnt to death by named IFP supporters inside her home at Bhoboyi, Port Shepstone, Natal, on 19 November 1993. Her son and another woman were killed in the same attack.References
CELE, Tombi Getrude57An ANC supporter who was forced to flee her home during an attack by IFP supporters in Madundube, Umbumbulu, KwaZulu, near Durban, in November 1992. Her sons were beaten in the attack.References
CELE, VeliAn IFP supporter who was shot dead by ANC supporters in an attack on his home in Enseleni, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 3 April 1994 in the run-up to the April 1994 elections. His son was also killed in the attack.References
CELE, Vorster BhutizaAn ANC supporter who disappeared from his home in KwaMthethwa, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, in September 1992. He has not been seen since.References
CELE, Vumani16Was stabbed to death on 3 October 1993 in Murchison, near Port Shepstone, Natal, when IFP supporters attacked the ANC-supporting household where he had been staying. At least three family members were killed and one person injured in the attack.References
CELE, Vusumuzi Prince40His caravan and motorcycle were set alight by named ANC supporters in Richmond, Natal, in February 1991, in ongoing conflict between ANC and IFP supporters. Later that year, on 23 October 1991, Mr Cele was injured in a shooting in Richmond, Natal, again by ANC supporters.References
CELE, Wanda25An ANC member and MK operative from Winkelspruit, Natal, who was stabbed to death by students at the University of Durban-Westville, Durban, on 12 June 1992. Mr Cele had enrolled at the university in 1990 after having been imprisoned on Robben Island from 1988 to 1990.References
CELE, William NdosiAn ANC supporter who was shot dead by police at Sokhulu, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 20 February 1994. He was one of four men killed during a march highlighting biased policing by members of the SAP.References
CELE, Willip Singisi54Was shot and injured by a named IFP supporter on 6 March 1992 at Mondlo, KwaZulu, near Vryheid, Natal, shortly after he had been elected Mayor of the township. The perpetrator was opposed to the council system that brought Mr Cele to office.References
CELE, Wilson BonginkosiAn ANC supporter and COSATU member who was shot dead in a drive-by shooting by an SAP member and IFP members at a bus stop in Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 5 September 1992.References
CELE, Yalekile63An ANC supporter who was stabbed and had his home burnt down by IFP supporters on 20 March 1994 at Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban. See Sonkombo arson attacks.References
CELE, ZibokwakheWas shot and burnt to death by unidentified persons at his home near Port Edward, Natal, on 19 December 1993, in political conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area.References
CELE, Zinini Joseph48An ANC supporter whose home was burnt down by named IFP supporters at Murchison, near Port Shepstone, Natal, in 1990.References
CELE, Zwelakhe Mdu Emelo26An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by a named member of the SAP on 25 April 1992 at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal.References
CERQUEIRA, Jose NosolinoA civilian who was shot and killed when APLA operatives attacked the Heidelberg Tavern in Observatory, Cape Town, on 30 December 1993. Four people were killed and seven were injured during the course of the attack. Mr Cerqueira was outside a neighbouring restaurant when he was hit. Three perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/1998/0026). See APLA attacks.References
CETYEWAYO, Zamile Jackson44Was shot in the leg and had his home destroyed by IFP-aligned hostel-dwellers in Swanieville, near Krugersdorp, Transvaal, on 12 May 1991. About one hundred and fifteen shacks were set alight, twenty seven people were killed and twenty five vehicles were burnt in retaliation for the expulsion of IFP supporters from the informal settlement. Twelve people were charged with crimes ranging from murder to arson but were acquitted due to lack of evidence.References
CETYWAYO, Mziselwa38Was injured in a shooting by IFP-supporting hostel-dwellers in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 23 May 1991. Five people died and many others were injured when hostel-dwellers attacked a local tavern. References
CEWU, Artherstone Buyile ‘ABC’ 19A BCM member who was detained by members of the SAP on a charge of public violence in Grahamstown, Cape, in February 1978. During his detention, he was tortured. During the 1980 school boycotts in Grahamstown, he was shot with birdshot and severely injured when police opened fire on mourners at a funeral.References
CHAANE, Thabiso Isaac Was shot and killed by members of the IFP-related ‘Khumalo Gang’ at Ngema Tavern, Natalspruit, Transvaal, on the 22 January 1993. Many people were killed and injured in the attack. Three perpetrators applied for amnesty. Two perpetrators were refused and one was granted amnesty (AC/2000/198).References
CHABA, Herbert15Chaba died alongside three friends in a bomb blast near Vlakplaas, Transvaal, on 25 November 1991. His body was found to have bullet marks and signs of electric shocks. References
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