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A member of the SADF who was shot and wounded when APLA members ambushed a military vehicle, firing on it with automatic weapons, in Alexandra, Johannesburg, on 16 December 1986. Two APLA members were granted amnesty (AC/2000/0133). See APLA attacks.

First question is that, these commissioners, where did they grow up? Did they grow up outside, in America, or did they come here to South Africa just to work, or did they grow up here in South Africa, here in Azania? I’d be very happy if the honourable sir on the extreme left could answer the ...
... busy using other tactics so that you people in the government could hear the cries of the children of Azania. If your ears couldn’t listen, APLA decided to take guns to open the ears that were not prepared to listen. // Why was it necessary to attack a church? // As I’ve said before, I ...
‘Peter Jacobs, Former MK Cadre, Torture victim.’ // If I said to Mr. Jacobs I put the electrodes in his nose, I may be wrong; if I said I attached it to his genitals, I may be wrong; if I had put a probe into his rectum, I may be wrong. That is way the specific methods I could have used any of ...
Did you accompany them taking the woman around the house, to the back of the house? // No sir, I did not accompany them. // Who cut off the woman’s breast? // I do not know because there were many people. // Who raped the woman? // I did not see who raped her, because at that time it was just ...
As soon as we have heard the evidence of others implicated, because we can hardly make a finding with the version of one of those involved. We should hear the evidence of all those involved with a particular deed before we decide. It is possible that he would be sentenced and jailed before our ...
And the bomb was sent to him whilst he was in Zimbabwe long before he went to England. // Yes he was in Zambia. And the way I understood it they wanted to prevent him arriving in England to testify against General Neethling.
... for them, on their behalf. // And that was the only reason you had in mind when killing him? // It wasn’t a specific reason, it was that it was decided by higher authority that he should be eliminated and I didn’t question that and I just did that, I saw to it that it got done Mister ...
Judge Bernard Ngoepe and Advocate Sisi Kampepe disagreed with a third member on the panel, Advocate Chris de Jager. They said Slippers should be refused amnesty because the killing was ”grossly out of proportion with the AWB objective” of keeping blacks out of the town. They also said the act ...
Black policemen at Vlakplaas were called askaris, they did most of the killing for Eugene de Kock, yet their lives were worth nothing and they were executed as easily as they killed opponents of the apartheid government. // Talk about a dog that feeds on its puppies; that was De Kock. He fed on his ...
In deciding for or against amnesty in this case, the Committee for the first time could not reach consensus. Judges Ngoepe, Mall and Wilson as well as Committee member de Jager held that the attack was an act associated with a political motive. They however said there was no evidence that the ...
Eight years ago two men broke a long conspiracy of silence and exposed the apartheid state’s death commandoes. It was going to cost them dearly. Two weeks ago a Durban judge found Dirk Coetzee and Almond Nofemela, together with David Tshikalanga guilty of the murder they had confessed to in 1989, ...
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