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DLAMINI, (first name not given)


An ANC supporter who was targeted for elimination by IFP members at Hlanganani Hall, Esikhawini, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, during 1992. One perpetrator in the conspiracy was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0332).

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David Gasa was the chairman of the Umlazi residence association at that time and organized a memorial service at the Umlazi Cinema. The cinema was managed by Josiah Dlamini. They told the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Durban this week what happened at the prayer service.
... After we heard that there could be some form of intimidation or threats against your person or your family we as the Commission decided that we are not going to tolerate that type of behaviour or ...
... to hear one last witness. Judith Dlamini testified that camouflaged policemen drove through the village immediately after the attack but did nothing to help the injured and ...
Scant attendance at the hearings suggests that Radebe and Mavundla are not the only people still living in fear. Fiercely divided loyalties are the result as well as the cause of cycles of revenge killings. with the body count stacking up on both sides. On the night of September 4th 1992 a group of ...
... other witnesses. A former state prosecutor says Neethling boasted to him that he had developed a substance which would bring on a heart attack and not be detected. We know that a number of ANC activists and guerrillas had died after swallowing poison injected into food and drink and distributed ...
One of the youths, Nicholas Dlamini has just issued a statement from prison confirming that Katiza Cebekhulu showed him Dr Asvat’s surgery and that Winnie Mandela hired him and an accomplice to assassinate the doctor. Our witnesses, Katiza Cebekhulu and Reggie Jana, say the opposite was true, ...
The Truth Commission will receive about 600 applications from APLA. The entire Military Commission and High Command will be applying. For the first time we know who they are. // ‘Military Commission // Daniel Mohato Mofokeng // Barney Hlatshwayo // Morgan Gxokwa // Thobile Gola // Enoch Zulu // ...
The Toasters terrorized the community. They had a predictable route: from the hostel, down the hill, past the filling station where they entered ANC area. On the first of April 1992 one of their victims was Lephina Dlamini.
... who is serving a life sentence for Asvat’s murder, told the Mail & Guardian that it was Winnie Mandela who ordered the killing. But Asvat was not the last victim in this drama. Young Lolo Solo was keen on becoming a football member but Winnie accused him of being a police spy. Richardson ...
It is clear that the police investigating Madikizela-Mandela and her football club did not do their work properly. The prosecution too was clearly flawed. Could the apartheid state have been part of a bizarre cover up, possibly because of their agents’ roles? What role did the ANC play then and ...
I understood, because the truth was to them a heresy and persevered because I believed that the morality of our cause will vindicate all of us. I do not understand when agents in our fledgling democracy undermine the structures of the TRC and swop information with the media, with the purpose to ...
... because in their own language they said these people have out used their usefulness. They have outlived their usefulness. In other words they were not productive and the only way for one to be productive at Vlakplaas is to kill people. Vusi died, he refused to cooperate. Peter died, because he ...
It was Winnie herself who was assaulting me the first time, and when we got to Winnie’s house Winnie personally said to me, guys see what you’re going to do with this one because she doesn’t want to speak the truth, referring to the football club members. They started assaulting me and ...
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