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DLAMINI, Ida (Majakobe)

Age 65

Her house was burnt down by IFP supporters at Richmond, Natal, in June 1993, in intense political conflict in the area. See Richmond attacks.

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Zweli Dlamini, another Caprivi trainee testified in a balaclava because he did not want the people in his village to know about his testimony. // We were dealing with the learning about arms, the attacking of houses. During the demonstration there was a house which was locked and we were shown as ...
I went to the area to kill all the people who were attacking these people who were running to us. // Did you kill any people and how many people did you kill? // Many things happened, some of them got injured, some died, I can’t remember the number because I used to do this and run away. // Is ...
Report covers the controversy surrounding Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's 1991 kidnapping trial. This involved allegations about Mandela made by Nicolas Dlamini, who was serving a life sentence for the 1989 murder of Dr Abu Baker Asvat. Statements made by him were similar to those made by Katiza ...
The widows from both sides of the conflict count the bodies of their loved ones heaping up in the village graveyards. Virginia Lombo lost her husband and breadwinner Lolo to a bullet fired by Nhlanhla Sibisi, an ANC cadre who also wants amnesty.
Whenever they would find a comrade they would take you in their car and then they would kill you and then they will burn you.
During the demonstration there was a house which was locked and we were shown as to how to penetrate the house and attack we shoot and we told that when you enter a house you should have a hand grenade. We were using shotguns and AK 47s. Those were the firearms that we were taught about.
Inkatha and the Toasters came from the other side; they were carrying guns to attack people here in the township. They started shooting people out there in the streets until they entered my home here.
His friend Tami who was standing next to the window was shot, but escaped death by hiding underneath the table. His mother Lephina entered the room not knowing that an attacker was waiting by the window and that his next shot would be fatal.
I just heard that his body was being exhumed and burnt. I went to go and watch and I just told myself that at least they have revenged on our behalf.
In your statement you said before they burnt Frieda they first stabbed her with a knife? // Yes, that’s true. // And you said the person who stabbed her is Zero Thebe. Is Zero Thebe still around? // Yes, he’s still around.
I got off by the corner over there from the car that fetched me. When I was coming up this way I saw about two or three dead bodies. As I came I passed a hippo next to one of the corpses. When I arrived, I discovered that the house was already full of people. My mother was lying between the bedroom ...
Within days two Zulu youths were brought here, to Winnie Mandela’s house. She asked they be shown the location of Dr Asvat’s surgery. Their guide was Katiza.
We were trained and we knew that we were trained to kill only. There wasn’t anything that we knew; our enemy, the UDF was operating in those areas we were working therefore if you happen to meet a UDF member you have to shoot.
I heard a rumble of guns. The children started running saying ”Mama we are dying.” One was crying. Everything happened so fast it was as if I was dreaming. I shouted out. The children are dead.
There were people along the road from the Executive Hotel down to this space. These people were armed; I didn’t know why they were armed. When I came in here I found a crowd of people. // When we gathered there in thousands the police and soldiers were there in hundreds. Now, we didn’t know ...
No police came to help us in any way, even after the event no one came. // They were deliberately and intentionally giving Inkatha a chance to kill us.
We have heard here the evidence of the killers, Dlamini and Mbatha who on one version would say that they committed the murder on Dr Asvat at your instructions. Had you met Mbatha before? // I actually saw them for the first time here. // Had you met Dlamini before? // I had never met any of them.
Thulani Dlamini and Zakele Cyril Mbatha were arrested shortly after the murder; charged, tried and sentenced for the killing of Dr Asvat. Mbatha and Dlamini testified that Winnie gave them the gun with which they killed Asvat.
... involvement in the killing of Dr Abubaker Asvat at his Soweto surgery on 27 January 1989. The main source of these new reports is Nicholas Dlamini, presently serving a life sentence for the murder of Dr Asvat. Dlamini has applied for amnesty from the Truth Commission. The claims in his ...
... cover-up. We hope things will become clearer when Winnie appears before the Truth Commission later this month and when Cebekhulu, Richardson and Dlamini testify before the Amnesty Committee. Stompie Seipei’s mother and Lolo Sono And Koekie Zwane’s parents deserve the whole ...
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