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FRIEDMAN, MaxAge Description ... meaning ‘let us speak out’ is an organisation run entirely by and for the victims and families of victims of human rights violations. Maggie Friedman’s partner, David Webster was shot dead in front of their Troyeville house in 1989. // I became involved in the setting up of Khulumani at ... In many ways the particular concerns of these three women mirror the broader issues at stake. // Certainly for someone like myself it hasn’t been very satisfactory. And you know, having made one’s submission there are a lot of unanswered questions - some of which will obviously never be ... The chain of command and hence responsibility for these illegal acts and conspiracies reach high into the structures of the state and government and certainly included cabinet ministers, Military Intelligence, the CCB, the South African Police, the State Security Council. I believe that David ... It was the first of May 1989 which is seven years ago this week and it was a public holiday, almost the first real workers day. David and I left the house early in the morning with our two dogs to go running in David’s bakkie. And we returned to the house at about ten o’clock in the morning. ... I think it’s important for Khulumani to really put their weight behind victims’ causes, I think especially the reparations issue and also on continuing support for victims, because the process doesn’t end with making a statement. The first thing and most important thing for me is the truth about why David was killed. I want to know why David in particular was killed, what are the reasons that somebody decided that he should be killed. And I want to know who it was who made that decision. ... he called it apartheid’s ultimate weapon. On Workers Day, 1989 Webster fell victim to apartheid’s ultimate weapon himself. His partner Maggie Friedman was ... |