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Was injured when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty one people were killed and two hundred and seventeen injured. The overall commander of MK’s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See Church Street Bombing, Bombing, Pretoria.

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am still suffering. I’m still at my home. My life is in ruins. I don’t have hope for tomorrow. Maybe I will survive. I don’t know. I am just a human that goes up and down like a zombie. Although there are some sung heroes who are there. So I believe that we are unsung heroes. We contributed ...
... / LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INTERVENTIONS 78 Symbolic reparation measures are aimed at restoring the dignity of victims and survivors of gross human rights violations. These include measures to facilitate the communal process of commemorating the pain and celebrating the victories of the ...
... with costs. 1 0 7 . On appeal, the court investigated the competency of the Committee to grant amnesty to an applicant for gross violations of human rights committed outside the country. The court relied on the provisions of section 20(2) of the Act, namely that the act in question must have ...
... communities and the entire society.24 Figures from the Commission’s database revealed immense economic loss due to the perpetration of gross human rights violations. Twenty-nine per cent of deponents who made statements to the Commission reported a loss of income as a direct result of ...
... for unprecedented social dislocation, resulting in both repression and resistance.4 This contributed to a situation that made possible the gross human rights violations of the past.12 Many white children, on the other hand, were raised in an environment which condoned racial prejudice and ...
... ABUSE52 Given the close relationship between sex and gender, one of the more obvious differences in the way women and men might experience gross human rights violations is the extent to which they suffered from sexual violations, and the nature of those sexual violations. Of the 446 statements ...
not believed. But you know that, while I was in the army, I didn’t talk to people or receive commands or instructions that led to the violation of human rights. The fact that we today have the infrastructure in this country that is the best in Africa, the fact that we have the potential to grow ...
... in the chain of control and oppression of opponents of apartheid. 67 It was the policy of the Department of Prisons to use cruel, degrading and inhuman forms of punishment on prisoners including caning, ‘spare’ diet, leg irons and solitary confinement. 68 The facilities of the Department ...
... over someone else’s body, so at that point I fully co-operated. 39 Narkedien’s testimony confirmed that of Ms Nobuhle Mohapi, at the first human rights violations hearing in East London. Mohapi said that, when she was detained, she was told that her child had died and that she would be ...
... most closely involved in the prison trials of the 1960s and 1970s, and Mr Golden Miles Bhudu of the South African Prisoners’ Organisation for Human Rights (SAPOHR). 21 Preliminary discussions were held between representatives of the Commission’s working group and the Department of ...
... and inevitable. SABC programming, he found, was instrumental in cultivating a “war psychosis”, which in turn created an environment in which human rights abuses could take place. 18 Another witness at the hearing, the former SABC news anchor-man Johan Pretorius, elaborated on just how ...
problems I am facing as one person who is always in and out in hospital. 113 Wonder’s case reflects the complex and multiple layers of abuse and human rights violations suffered by South Africa’s youth. Wonder’s education was disrupted prematurely. He was forced to leave his family, which ...
... Tutu as follows: The Commission is required by law to investigate all aspects of the conflicts of the past which gave rise to gross violations of human rights and to consider the perspectives and motives of the various participants within that conflict. We know that there have been different ...
... ‘Norgaard Principles’: an approach formulated under the guidance of Professor CA Norgaard, the former President of the European Commission on Human Rights, and applied to guide the process of identifying Namibian political prisoners for release . 20. The Norgaard Principles were gleaned ...
A culture of human rights and children’s rights 6 In 1995, South Africa ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), an important step towards securing South Africa’s rightful place in the world community of nations. The CRC imposes important obligations and ...
... against apartheid has always involved a small number of white people, conscription put young white men directly in touch with the moral costs and human consequences of maintaining it by military means. ...
... the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, but all of us. Thank you for presenting that challenge to us today. 13 See also chapter on Consequences of Human Rights Violations. 14 This statement was read on behalf of Ms MacGregor by Committee member Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela at the Commission hearing ...
... existence in a violent world. Mrs Te n z a ’s life story paints a vivid picture of the convoluted political history of KwaZulu/Natal and the human consequences. The awful experience of seeing her nephew murdered in front of her is just one example of a broader tragedy. 27. It is very ...
... TWABU 36. Whilst the Commission process did unearth a significant amount of new information with regard to the causes, nature and extent of gross human rights violations, its processes inevitably also produced important information that could not be brought to an absolute conclusion or closure ...
PART THREE: KEY SECURITY FORCE UNITS INVOLVED IN GROSS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS SECURITY BRANCH HEADQUARTERS 155. The Headquarters of the Security Branch was based in Pretoria. Until 1992, the Security Branch was organised centrally, with headquarters in Pretoria and nineteen regional divisions ...
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