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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MBENGA, Adam 26A COSAS member was shot dead by IFP supporters in Orlando, Soweto, Johannes-burg, on 15 June 1993 during intense conflict between IFP and ANC supporters.References
MBENGE, Phindile Lhelhe 24Was shot dead by members of the SADF at during protests at Fingo Village, Grahamstown, Cape, on 2 February 1987.References
MBENGO, Vusumzi Mzuvukile 22A UDF supporter who was tortured in various ways by named members of the Security Branch on 26 August 1985 during intense public unrest in Duncan Village, East London.References
MBENGWA, Elias 43Was shot and injured by IFP supporters during conflict between residents and hostel-dwellers in Meadowlands, Soweto, Johannes-burg, on 2 May 1991.References
MBENSE, Eugene Siyabonga 28An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by unidentified persons in Clermont, near Durban, during a bus boycott in 1986.References
MBENSE, Mduduzi Sydney 22Was intimidated and threatened in his home in Greytown, Natal, in March 1994. Mr Mbense had been the bodyguard of Solomon Mzolo, who was shot and killed, allegedly by ANC members, in February 1994.References
MBESE, Nosisana Negina 36An MK operative who was detained, tortured by suffocation and severely beaten by named members of the Ciskei Police on 8 January 1986 in Mdantsane, Ciskei. She was interrogated about identities of people who were harbouring and liaising with MK cadres.References
MBESI, Esther Nokolosani 67A UDF supporter who lost her home in an arson attack in KTC, Cape Town, in June 1986, during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps by Witdoeke vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of the security forces. Over 60 people were killed and 20 000 homes destroyed in the attacks.References
MBETE, Mwandile 25An ANC member who was repeatedly detained, interrogated and assaulted with sjamboks by members of the Transkei Police and SAP, at his home and at the Norwood police station in Umtata, Transkei, during the 1980s. He was interrogated about ANC pamphlets in his possession for which he was charged, convicted and sentenced. He was released in 1988.References
MBEWANA, Mxolisi TototoWas shot by members of the SADF during political conflict in Duncan Village, East London, on 13 October 1985.References
MBEWE, Isaac 17A UDF supporter who was beaten with sjamboks and knobkerries by Imbokodo vigilantes at the tribal authority in Leeuwfontein, KwaNdebele, in May 1986 during conflict over the independence of KwaNdebele.References
MBEWE, MongeziWas arrested and tortured by Bophuthatswana Police at Winterveld, Bophuthatswana, in July 1986. He was accused of killing Brigadier Molope, the head of the Bophuthatswana Police.References
MBEWE, Monsi Lolland 18Was arrested and tortured by members of the Bophuthatswana Police in Brits, near Bophuthatswana, on 4 July 1986. He was accused of killing Brigadier Molope of the Bophuthatswana Police.References
MBEWE, Thos Bethuel 31Was killed when thrown from a moving train by IFP supporters in Tembisa, Transvaal. His body was found next to a railway line in Kaalfontein and taken to a mortuary where his family found him on 24 September 1993. Both his feet were crushed and his arm was cut off. See train violence.References
MBEWU, Nolungile 40An ANC member who was tear-gassed and shot in the left leg by members of the Ciskei Police during political conflict between the ADM and the ANC supporters in Zwelitsha, Ciskei, on 27 October 1991.References
MBEWU, Vuyani Edward 14Was shot and blinded in one eye by members of the Railway Police in Guguletu, Cape Town, on 1 September 1985. Edward was watching his friends playing soccer when police shot at stone-throwers in the vicinity.References
MBEWU, Winnie Vuyiswa 70An ANC supporter who was severely beaten in July 1990 in Uitenhage, Cape, by members of the SAP who were interrogating her about her son`s whereabouts. Police claimed that her son was a suspect in a murder case.References
MBHALI, Aaron MandokozaAn iKongo member who was detained at Bizana, Transkei, in June 1960, for his involvement in the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
MBHAMALI, SigodiAn ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Mandini, Natal, on 30 May 1993.References
MBHELE, (first name not given)A member of the SAP who was abducted, together with a another police member, from the Bhongweni police station in Kokstad, Transkei, on 18 October 1993, in an attack by members of an ANC SDU. Both were shot dead. Four SDU members were granted amnesty (AC/1998/0033).References
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