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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter M

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MPHAMBANI, Nohambile 51An ADM member who died on 27 April 1993 after she had been severely assaulted with stones, knives and sticks, by a group of about three hundred youth as she was fleeing from her home in Gobozani, Mdantsane, Ciskei. Seven members of the ANC Youth League were granted amnesty for the incident (AC/97/0020).References
MPHAMBO, Cosy Irene 45She had her home burnt down by `comrades` in Sharpeville, Vereeniging, Transvaal, on 11 June 1992. Ms Mphambo`s son, who was burnt to death in the attack, was suspected of being an IFP supporter.References
MPHAMBO, Fanyana Mathews 29An ANCYL supporter who was burnt to death in an arson attack on his home on 18 June 1992 in Sharpeville, Vereeniging, Transvaal, during conflict in the Vaal between IFP and ANC supporters. Mr Mphambo was suspected of being an IFP supporter.References
MPHANGOMA, TildahWas severely injured when a limpet mine, planted by an MK operative from the `Dolphin Unit`, exploded at the entrance to the Department of Foreign Affairs building in Johannesburg on 15 December 1983. Seven people were injured. Two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003).References
MPHAPHULI, Mphaya Edward 46An ANC supporter who was detained by the SAP on 25 August 1978 in Sibasa, Venda, on suspicion that he was an ANC informer.References
MPHATHI, Ngidi 49He had his house burnt down by IFP supporters in Sonkombo, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 16 March 1994. See Sonkombo arson attacks. References
MPHEHLA, Thapelo FanuelWas shot and killed by members of the IFP-related `Khumalo Gang` at Ngema Tavern, Natalspruit, Tvl, on the 22 January 1993. Many persons were killed and injured in the attack. Three perpetrators applied for amnesty. Two perpetrators were refused and one was granted amnesty (AC/2000/198).References
MPHELA, Lucky Isaac 16Was severely beaten by members of the SADF on 12 June 1986 in Pietersburg, Tvl, in the belief that he had information about the whereabouts of a political activist on the run from police. He was also subjected to death threats and eventually had to leave home to seek refuge in Pretoria.References
MPHELE, Lydia 23A COSAS member who was shot dead by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Tvl, during a protest march in the township on 26 March 1990.References
MPHIKWA, Mbongeni Moses 40Was shot and severely injured in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, on 15 May 1992 by a named member of a balaclava group involved in taxi conflict and hit squad activity. See taxi violence.References
MPHIRIME, Aaron Mokhele 48Was shot dead on 22 May 1992 in Sebokeng, Vereeniging, Tvl, in a drive-by shooting, the forerunner of a series of such shootings in the early 1990s.References
MPHITI, Mandlakayise Matu 18Was severely beaten by members of the SAP on 27 July 1985 at the police station in Bedford, Cape, after he was arrested for his role in a consumer boycott that followed death of the Cradock Four.References
MPHO, Joel Parara 31Was shot by members of the SAP in Tsakane, Brakpan, Tvl, on 22 July 1985. Mr Mpho was attending the funeral of a `comrade` in the township at the time of the incident.References
MPHOHLE, Paul 39Was shot dead by IFP supporters in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 18 April 1993. Many random shootings took place that day, hours before the night vigil for assassinated SACP leader Chris Hani.References
MPHOLO, Ephraim Mosolodi 20Was detained and tortured at Vereeniging police station, Tvl, in November 1988.References
MPHOLO, IshmaelWas shot dead while returning home from a funeral on 25 April 1992 in Katlehong, Tvl, allegedly by IFP supporters, during ongoing political conflict in the area.References
MPHOMANE, Mtuzi Hackington 17Died of multiple injuries after being attacked by Witdoeke vigilantes near KTC, Cape Town, on 10 June 1986, during the mass destruction of UDF-supporting squatter camps by the vigilantes, acting with the tacit approval and aid of the security forces. Over 60 people were killed and 20 000 homes destroyed in the attacks.References
MPHOSHA, Tsetsani Daniel 54He had his home burnt down on 2 February 1980 at GaMatlala, Lebowa, by supporters of Chief BK Matlala because Mr Mphosha resisted Lebowa`s proposed independence from South Africa.References
MPHOTHULO, JosephWas shot dead at a friend`s house in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 21 April 1993. Four others died in the attack.References
MPHUPHU, Timoti Crosby 21A UDF supporter who was beaten and severely tortured by named members of the SAP on two occasions in July 1985, in Zwele-themba, Worcester, Cape. He was arrested after student protests had erupted after the killings of the Cradock Four, and was held in custody for nine weeks.References
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