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MEMELA, Thandi

Age 42

Was harassed by Security Police in Chesterville, Durban, from 1981 onwards because her son was a COSAS member. He left for exile in 1983, but harassment continued, culminating in her house being set on fire in 1985, allegedly by the police. When her son and other members of his unit were shot dead by police in September 1986, Ms Memela was not allowed to see his body.

And really I’ll say it. I don’t see how I can forgive this people, never ever.
It was the A-Team, Dan Mtembu and Mtombeni family and Mpansa family and Cebekhulu’s boy and many others, and the Isaacs. I won’t forget those, Musa and Popi.
It was one of the strategies to suppress the UDF beliefs. The regime was at war with the black people and they knew which areas were very vigilant and the only way they could actually try and cut down on numbers was to kill, destroy those townships. And that is why the A-Team had to be helped all ...
I want to request the Truth Commission to investigate the A-Team and try to find out as to in reality who were behind the A-Team, who were sending them to conduct this reign of terror? When I followed De Kock’s case, De Kock did admit that he had something to do with the death of my child and ...
Some people feel that Thandi is one of those who started all the trouble, but Thandi may have had a reason for behaving as she did. She was a fighter and she paid a price. Her son was killed by police in a shootout and she was not allowed to see his body. She lost her possessions and was harassed ...
... the police never bothered to show up. They say the reason they were branded impimpis’ was simply that they had more money and good jobs. Thandi Memela says the A-Team harassed and killed people and burnt their houses. Her house was also set ...
During the 1980s the township Chesterville, south of Durban, was UDF territory. One of the people that mobilized the community was Thandi Memela. She motivated the youth, including her own son, to join the UDF and was involved in getting people out of the country and bringing in weapons. But things ...
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