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Was injured in what became known as the Magoo`s Bar bombing in Durban on 14 June 1986. The explosion killed three women and injured at least 74 other people. Seven MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/128).

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‘On 2 December 1988, New Hanover police Captain Brian Mitchell ordered the elimination of a group of UDF members. The operation went wrong. Eleven people attending a night vigil were killed.’ // It was just I think the driving force behind it, behind the motives of the security establishment ...
Mitchell goes back to the Trust Feed community to offer his help with the healing process.’ // I want you to tell me about your views today… // I have eight children and he died on the 3rd of December 1988. There is not even a cent that I am getting. I have to look after myself. I wash ...
This episode starts with a report back on the reconciliatory meeting between police captain Brian Mitchell and Trust Feed residents. The following segment reports on the HRV Committee hearings held in Parys (28 to 30 April) focusing on methods of torture used by the police and the comrades during ...
The first segment of this episode focuses on the amnesty application of Brian Mitchell held in Pietermaritzburg (15 to 16 October) applying for amnesty for his role in the Trust Feed Massacre. Also covered is the HRV Committee hearings held in the Winelands (14 to 16 October 1996) from where we ...
... the new cut-off date for amnesty applications will benefit those that committed violent crimes during the negotiations era; Trust Feed killer Brian Mitchell was granted amnesty as well as former Conservative Party MP Koos Botha, for bombings during 1990 and 1991; right wingers Jean du Plessis and ...
I lost everything in life. I have subsequently been divorced. // Tell us Mr. Mitchell when last have you seen your son? Was it several years ago that you last saw him?
Forgiveness does not come cheaply. It is something that comes deeply from the heart. And I can just ask the people that were involved directly or indirectly and who have been affected by this case to consider forgiving me.
Brian Mitchell returns to Trust Feed
Brian Mitchell and the Trust Feed Massacre
... became victims. // The community of Trust Feed has also requested me to advise the Amnesty Committee that they would try to forgive mister Brian Mitchell if he becomes actively involved in the reconstruction of the community that he was responsible for destroying. // ‘Mitchell was later ...
Mister Mitchell, are you now desirous of making amends? // Yes I am. Although it may be impossible to do it, but I am desirous of that. // You’ve become a Christian and understand the value of forgiveness. Will you let us have your thoughts on that? // Yes I understand that forgiveness does not ...
the reconciliation part of its mandate, but last Sunday gave us a glimpse of the kind of real reconciliation that is happening. Police captain Brian Mitchell went back to the community he and his men had devastated nine years ago, to look the victims of his actions in the eye. We have a full ...
While the future of Trust Feed and the fate of Brian Mitchell still hang in the balance the message from this week’s amnesty hearing was a powerful one.
I’d just like to thank the community for allowing me to come here today and for gathering together in this fashion. Without your goodwill to allow me to come here none of this could have taken place. I have come here because I know it’s the right thing to do. I cannot financially help my family ...
On your arrival at New Hanover there had not been any unrest. // Yes sir that is quite correct.
It was just I think the driving force behind the motives of the security establishment, was to drive the opponents, the UDF – the stronger side – out of Trust Feed, so that it is left within the hands of say in this case Inkatha. That it becomes a no go area and they can within themselves exist.
But then there are those who feel the need to ask for forgiveness for those they have wronged. // Forgiveness does not come cheaply; it’s something that comes deeply from the heart. And I can just ask the people that were involved directly or indirectly and who have been affected by this case to ...
I forgive him because he has come and asked for forgiveness because there is nothing we can do. They are dead. But all I would like to appeal for is that they should help with my eight children. // If I had to say to the community exactly which path I’m taking and that path doesn’t mature or ...
It was an operation that was done by myself entirely in cooperation with the riots unit. There were two operations. There was the cleanup operation before four in the morning and then that evening it was four special constables and myself. // Who gave you the instruction to kill? Was that Major ...
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