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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter MOA-MOK

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MOGADILE, TinyWas injured in a hand grenade explosion on 25 May 1993 in Kimberley, Cape, during an ANC protest march to the Bophuthatswana consulate. Two MK operatives threw a hand grenade at the building which bounced back into the crowd, killing one person and injuring 41 others. Two ANC members were wrongly convicted of the killing. Four MK operatives and ANC members, two of whom denied guilt, were refused amnesty (AC/2000/053 and AC/2000/241).References
MOGADIMA, SimonWas shot dead by members of the SAP in 1986 in Tweeskraal, Moutse, KwaNdebele, during violent resistance to incorporation into Kwa-Ndebele in which hundreds of people died or were injured. KwaNdebele independence was cancelled in August 1986 because of Moutse resistance.References
MOGAGABE, Aviva Johannes 18A COSAS supporter who was severely assaulted by named members of the `Zim-Zim` faction of the ANC-aligned Khutsong Youth Congress in Khutsong, Carletonville, Tvl, on 24 June 1990. Mr Mogagabe had allegedly been accused of rape.References
MOGAGABE, Job Oupa Magale Baby 21Was knocked down by a car and shot and injured by alleged members of the Riot Squad in Moletsane, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 25 February 1977. References
MOGALE, Ephraim PhumugaAn ANC supporter who was detained, beaten and had his house destroyed by members of the Security Branch in Moutse, KwaNdebele, during the commemoration of the historic battle of Isandlwana in November 1979.References
MOGALE, JeffreyWas tortured in detention by Lebowa Police at Mahwelereng, Lebowa, on 4 April 1985.References
MOGALE, LindaA student activist who was detained for four months on 5 May 1978 in Emndeni, Soweto, Johannesburg, where he was assaulted and tortured by members of the SAP until he confessed to being involved in `terrorism`. He was sentenced to seven years` imprisonment on Robben Island. Three years later his conviction was set aside.References
MOGALE, Mantsia Paulina 27Was shot and injured by IFP supporters while travelling in a taxi on 31 July 1993 in Tembisa, Tvl, during intense conflict between hostel-dwellers and residents.References
MOGALE, Meshack Whiskey 19Was killed by members of the SAP at the funeral of a `comrade` when police attacked mourners. He was taken to Silverton police station, Pretoria, during November 1985 and his body was discovered later at a mortuary with evidence of a severe beating.References
MOGALE, Simon 21A South African Student Organisation (SASO) member who was arrested on 16 March 1978 while preparing to commemorate the Sharpeville massacre and detained for nine months in Mamelodi, Pretoria. He was forced to sign a confession and was sentenced to 12 months` imprisonment for public violence.References
MOGAMATHA, ElijahWas injured when he drove over a landmine at Messina, Tvl, on 25 November 1985. The incident was part of an ANC landmine campaign aimed at military patrols in the rural areas.References
MOGAMI, GoodmanWas targeted for killing by the Wiwatersrand Security Branch during 1988. A Security Branch operative, purporting to be an MK operative, made contact with Mr Mogami, who expressed an interest in receiving training. The operative gave him a weapon that had been tampered with so as to cause probable injury to the person firing it. Mr Mogami`s fate is unknown. A Security Branch operative was granted amnesty for this operation (AC/2001/230).References
MOGANEDI, Nkonko Petrus 43A SADF member who was severely beaten, kicked and tortured for four days from 29 June 1989 in Sekhukhuneland, Lebowa, by members of the SADF. He was accused of being in possession of illegal firearms during conflict between the community and Security Forces.References
MOGANEDI, Stephen Ntoampe 26Was detained at a roadblock and accused of `poisoning people`s minds with politics` in Sekhukhuneland, Lebowa, during 1986. He was severely tortured, beaten and sjambokked by named members of the SADF. Mr Moganedi appeared in court on a charge of public violence which was dropped and the magistrate ordered that he see a doctor. He was admitted to hospital with fractured fingers and lacerations all over his body.References
MOGANO, Mapelana Orbetini 14Was arrested and subjected to electric shock torture by members of the SAP in 1986 in Roodepoort, Tvl, for damaging groceries belonging to people who defied the consumer boycott imposed by political organisations in the area.References
MOGANO, Mmashipi Aldo 23An ANCYL leader who was shot and killed by members of the SAP on 7 April 1990 in Alexandra, Johannesburg, during intense conflict between IFP and ANC supporters in the area.References
MOGANO, Samuel MunshoAn SAP member who, along with other SAP members, survived an explosion when the armoured vehicle in which they were travelling detonated a landmine in Mamelodi, Pretoria, on 16 February 1986. One MK operative was granted amnesty for his part in causing the explosion (AC/2000/195). See ANC landmine campaign.References
MOGANO, Silas 27He left his home in Alexandra, Johannesburg, on 7 March 1985 during intense conflict between the police and the community. He was reported missing but police did not investigate the matter. He has not been seen since.References
MOGAPE, AWas injured when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty-one people were killed and 217 injured. The overall commander of MK`s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See Church Street bombing, Pretoria.References
MOGAPI, Ben Tiego 20A KHUSO leader who was arrested with 700 others at a night vigil in Khutsong, Carletonville, Tvl, in July 1986. He was assaulted and tortured by members of the SADF and taken to West Rand police station where he was detained for 11 months under emergency regulations.References
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