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NEL, Jan Johannes


He suffered severe trauma on 23 March 1993 when APLA operatives, armed with automatic weapons and hand grenades, stormed the Yellowwoods Hotel, in Fort Beaufort, Cape, and opened fire on staff and patrons. One person was shot dead in the attack. See APLA attacks. Three perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/2000/225).

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‘Post Chalmers Morning of 9 May 1985’ // And the next morning? What happened then? // The interrogation started. We first went to Mr. Hashe. He was released from the shackles and was brought outside with help so that he will be able to walk. He was put on the stoep, then the interrogation ...
... continued in Port Elizabeth this week (3 to 13 November). Convicted killer Gideon Niewoudt and Vlakplaas askaris Joe Mamasela, Kimpani Mogoai and Johannes Koole gave conflicting accounts of the events that lead to the deaths of the three activists. The second segment focuses on the special ...
... account of how he later murdered her alleged lover. He told the TRC Themba Mabotha had been handed over to Vlakplaas by this man, former police colonel, Jan ...
The assaulters were pleased with this confession. Hashe, still in leg irons and handcuffed was left alone. After a while he spoke to Johannes Koole. // He said in the previous interrogation he lied that he had a gun to his sister’s place. He’s afraid that if the investigators would go there and ...
Now we look forward to the testimony of the National Party and other political parties which starts in Cape Town tomorrow. Let’s move to Nelspruit in Mpumalanga where the Truth Commission’s Amnesty Committee heard the cases of former activists across the political spectrum. One of the men who ...
... on his back shot him on top of the head. There was a short jerk and that was it. The four junior non-commission officers Paul van Dyk, sergeant Jan from Col Nick van Rensburg’s branch and the two Ermelo men each grabbed a hand and a foot, put it onto the pile of tyre and wood, poured petrol ...
... and Gerhardus Lotz are asking for amnesty for the murder of the Pebco Three. Vlakplaas operatives Roelf Venter, Gert Beeslaar, Kimpani Mogoai and Johannes Koole are applying for their ...
The Committee has also refused amnesty to right winger Johannes Slippers. Slippers killed a black man during a white by night campaign in Belfast in 1990. He is serving a ten year prison sentence for this murder.
Johannes Beneke was not part of the interrogation team. He claimed that he intervened only when he heard shouts from the next room. // I heard loud talking in this back office and I went closer and in the door, which gave access to this office – while I stood there, I stopped there – I noticed ...
I was driving 20 meters behind them. I saw everything happen. I saw flames under the car. I saw the car being flung in the air from the road into the bush. Pieces of metal, dirt and dust were flung into the air. I went closer and got out. I said: God, why? I looked at my wife, she was crushed, ...
And in the morning the very same people came in the very same uniform. They were still like the previous day. They took my name. They said they needed some statements as to who had injured the people. I was quite scared to tell them that you are the ones that were here yesterday.
These white men were angry, they were really frightening and they said Mr. Godolozi should be fetched from the cell; he should be brought to the stoep. They brought him, his hands were cuffed and his legs were also cuffed. His face was covered. He was screaming when he went out, saying he was not ...
That is when some of the hostel dwellers gathered themselves and went out but they were killed in a taxi. About 15 of them were killed at a certain open ground in Palm Ridge. They were taken out of the taxi and they were killed. // There was a cousin who lived with us by the name of Mosanduli. ...
Two men dominated this week’s amnesty hearing into the 1985 murders of the Port Elizabeth leaders known as the Pebco Three. The Centenary Hall in New Brighton was cramped daily by residents and activists who came to hear security policemen Gideon Niewoudt and Vlakplaas askari Joe Mamasela speak ...
They were driving hippos when they came into the township. Even when they went back, they were driving in hippos. Because when we went to Sebokeng Hospital the hippos were driving them into Kwamadala Hostel.
Back to the amnesty process now. Four Eastern Cape Security Policemen this week told the amnesty committee that Port Elizabeth activist Sizwe Kondile had to be eliminated because he was a trained ANC terrorist who knew too much about their intelligence network. The men all claim that they were ...
They were driving hippo’s when they came into the township. Even when they went back, they were driving in hippo’s. Because when we went to Sebokeng hospital the hippo’s were driving them into Kwamadala Hostel.
I realize that police were there but I felt as if I was dreaming because I didn’t believe that police could be there.
After he regained consciousness he was taken back to the room where he was tied. // Did you see that with your own eyes? // Yes, that’s correct.
I realize that police were there but I felt as if I was dreaming because I didn’t believe that police could be there.
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