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NGWENYA, Muziwakhe Boniface (aka ‘Thami Zulu’)


An MK commander in charge of MK’s Natal military machinery, was recalled from Swaziland to Lusaka, Zambia, in 1987, on suspicion of being a South African agent. He was held in custody for two years and then released. Shortly thereafter, he was admitted to hospital in Lusaka, but died two days later. Various explanations have been advanced as to the cause of death, including illness and poisoning. The Commission was unable to make a finding on Mr Ngwenya’s death.While he was in custody, Vlakplaas operatives had illegally searched his house in Mbabane, Swaziland, in 1988, and threatened the occupants. A Vlakplaas operative was granted amnesty for the illegal search (AC/2001/070).

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