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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter NH-NO

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NKONTWANA, Boza56She suffered substantial loss when her livestock was stolen and her property destroyed by ANC supporters during political conflict in Ixopo, Natal, in 1992. References
NKONYANA, Bafa BenjaminWas shot and killed in Katlehong, Transvaal, allegedly by IFP supporters, on 25 May 1993 during ongoing political conflict on the East Rand. References
NKONYANA, Samson Themba47An ANC supporter who disappeared from his home in Katlehong, Transvaal, on 24 October 1993 and has never been seen since. References
NKONYANE, Boynyane Freddy42Was severely beaten by members of the SAP in Bophuthatswana, on 13 December 1993. He was the vice-secretary of the Gamaobane ANC branch.References
NKONYANE, Noel23An ANC supporter who was detained and assaulted by named members of the SAP in Diepkloof, Soweto, Johannesburg, on 26 February 1985. References
NKONYANE, Sifiso John25An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by named IFP supporters in Newcastle, Natal, on 6 February 1993. References
NKONYENI, Bheki PatricAn ANC supporter who was killed by named IFP supporters at Tongaat, Natal, in October 1991. His body was found in a pool of water several weeks after his death. References
NKONYENI, Jabu Beauty40An ANC supporter who had her house in Inanda, near KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by IFP supporters on 12 July 1991. References
NKONYENI, Shomo Nokwendisa41An ANC supporter who lost her house in an arson attack by Inkatha supporters at Tongaat, Natal, in 1990. Ms Nkonyeni was accused of being an ANC member because her children were attending school at KwaMashu. One of her daughters died of heart attack while they were fleeing. References
NKONYENI, Wilson Ndindana46An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by named IFP supporters at Gamalakhe, KwaZulu, near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 13 September 1991. References
NKOSI, (first name not given)He suffered damage to his home in Khubeka Street, Tokoza, Transvaal, when it was burnt by members of an ANC self-defence unit (SDU) during November or December 1993. Mr Nkosi had been forced to flee the area due to IFP attacks, and his home was occupied by IFP supporters, which led to the arson attack. One SDU member was granted amnesty for the incident (AC/2000/190). References
NKOSI, Abram57Was killed by IFP-supporting gang members in Zonkisizwe informal settlement, Katlehong, Transvaal, on 23 May 1993. Mr Mbatha disappeared with his son-in-law and their charred bodies were found in the boot of their car the next day. The incident occurred a day after an ANC march past IFP- supporting hostels in Tokoza, Tvl. References
NKOSI, Absalom24An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by State-aligned vigilantes in Leslie, Transvaal, in January 1986. At the funeral of Chief Mayisa, an ANC member killed by a vigilante group, mourners attacked a member of the vigilantes. As a result, ANC supporters were then targeted in retaliation. References
NKOSI, Alfred Sipho (aka Peter Molotsi)An MK operative who was killed with four other operatives by a joint Venda and South African security force team on 25 March 1988 at Mutale River in Venda. References
NKOSI, Amos BaleniWas imprisoned by members of the SAP in Vosloorus, Transvaal, on 8 April 1986 during protests following the death of an MK operative in the area. References
NKOSI, Amos Fani31A SANCO member who was stabbed to death by a named perpetrator in Tsakane, Brakpan, Transvaal, on 18 October 1987. Mr Fani was organising a rent boycott at the time. References
NKOSI, Bantu Emelina62An ANC supporter who was abducted from her home in Siyabuswa, KwaNdebele, on 25 June 1987 and taken to tribal offices where she was severely beaten by named perpetrators, during conflict over the incorporation of Siyabuswa into KwaNdebele References
NKOSI, Bartholomew Diaz Bongani16A COSAS member who was detained, beaten and deprived of medical attention in KwaThema, Transvaal, in 1986. References
NKOSI, Bheki31An ANC supporter who was shot and injured in the left arm, allegedly by IFP supporters, in Katlehong, Tvl, on 14 June 1992. References
NKOSI, Bheki Steven17Was hacked to death by IFP supporters, one of whom is named, during political conflict at Osizweni, KwaZulu, near Newcastle, Natal, on 30 May 1993. Mr Nkosi was allegedly killed in retaliation for the death of an IFP supporter on the previous day. References
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