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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter NU-N

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NYOKA, Makhosana MakhosiWas one of four ANC members killed in an ambush by Security Branch operatives near Piet Retief, Tvl, on 8 June 1988. See Piet Retief ambushes. Nine Security Branch operatives, including the commander of Vlakplaas , were granted amnesty (AC/2001/273). References
NYOKA, Mandlenkosi Bethuel51He lost his home and possessions in an attack by Inkatha supporters during political conflict in Pietermaritzburg, on 3 April 1988. References
NYOKA, Manelisi Lunga24An ANC supporter who was detained, tortured, stripped naked and assaulted by members of the Transkei Security Branch in Umtata, Transkei, in 1987. A Transkei Security Branch operative was granted amnesty for the torture (AC/2000/076) References
NYOKA, SarahWas one of eleven people killed by Special Constables who attacked an all-night prayer vigil at Trust Feeds, New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg, on 3 December 1988. The station commander at New Hanover police station, who also chaired the local JMC, was granted amnesty for the attack (AC/1996/0011). See Trust Feeds massacre. References
NYOKA, Sibongile Innah34She had her house destroyed in the Trust Feeds massacre, carried out by Inkatha supporters and members of the SAP at Trust Feeds, New Hanover, near Pietermaritzburg, on 2 December 1988. The Commission granted amnesty to a former SAP captain for his part in planning and executing the attack. References
NYOKONG, Nerina MoipaneSuffered severe ill-treatment and damage to property during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, on 17 June 1992, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209). References
NYONGWANE, Jabulani (aka ‘Jabulani Dube’) An alleged IFP member who was interrogated, shot and killed by a group of ANC self-defence unit (SDU) members during political conflict in Tokoza, Transvaal, during September 1993. One SDU member was granted amnesty for the incident (AC/1999/0186).References
NYONI, FrankWas severely injured when AWB members detonated a car bomb in Bree Street, Johannesburg, on 24 April 1994, in an effort to disrupt the electoral process. Seven people were killed and 13 injured in the blast. Two perpetrators were granted amnesty (AC/1999/0342). See right-wing attacks. References
NYUMBEKA, Nongetheni GertyWas shot dead by men clad in balaclavas in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, on 22 March 1992, while a passenger in a vehicle. She was being driven home after working night duty. See balaclava groups. References
NYUNDU, Fana Morris38Was assaulted and his shop was ransacked by named ANC supporters at Moutse, KwaNdebele, in 1986 during boycotts in the area. References
NYUSWA, ChristopherWas assaulted on a train and forced to jump into a dam by named perpetrators in Johannesburg, on 7 August 1993. Some passengers were killed. See train violence. References
NYUSWA, Mavis Hlekani 60Had her house burnt down by IFP supporters during political conflict in Port Shepstone, Natal, on 22 July 1993. Ms Nyuswa’s house was torched when her brother, an ANC supporter, refused to attend an IFP self-defence training camp.References
NYWAULA, Nkosikhona17Was shot and injured in the eye by a named Special Constable in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, on 13 September 1989, while attending a night vigil for a friend shot dead in election violence the previous week. References
NZALA, JabulaniWas shot and fatally wounded by named IFP supporters at his home in Mgulea, an ANC stronghold near Port Shepstone, Natal, on 16 January 1994. References
NZALA, MgwabuleWas arrested in 1960 in Bizana, Transkei, and detained for a number of years because of his involvement in the Pondoland revolt. See Pondoland revolt. References
NZAMA, Allison43An ANC supporter who was arrested in 1975 and detained at the Alexandra Road police station in Pietermaritzburg for 13 months. Mr Nzama was charged with helping youths to leave the country for MK military training. He was acquitted on those charges. References
NZAMA, Baba53Was shot and severely injured by members of the KwaZulu Police in Umlazi, Durban, on 22 September 1991. References
NZAMA, Badingile53An IFP supporter who had her home burnt down at Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 12 February 1994. Conflict had broken out after the funeral of an IFP official that day, and many IFP supporters suspected of being pro-ANC lost their homes. References
NZAMA, Bajabulile Gloria 16An IFP supporter who was abducted in Durban on 1 February 1991 and repeatedly gang-raped by ANC supporters, some of whom are named. It is alleged that she was targeted because of her family’s political affiliation, and because they lived in an IFP stronghold.References
NZAMA, Bengazi George64An ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters at Wosiyana, Ndwedwe, KwaZulu, near Durban, on 2 April 1994, in the run-up to the April 1994 elections. Some weeks earlier, his house had been burnt down in political conflict following the funeral of a prominent IFP official. References
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