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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter NU-N

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NXELE, Phetheni40An IFP supporter who was shot dead when ANC supporters attacked her home in Phatheni, Richmond, Natal, on 10 July 1993. Seven occupants, including family members and neighbours who had taken shelter at the house because it was fenced, were killed, and three were injured. References
NXELE, Phumlani13Was shot dead in Ndaleni, Richmond, Natal, by IFP supporters during political conflict on 2 July 1993. Eight people were killed in this attack on the Nxele homestead. References
NXELE, Phumlile13Was shot dead in Ndaleni, Richmond, Natal, by IFP supporters during political conflict on 2 July 1993. Eight people were killed in this attack on the Nxele homestead. References
NXELE, Pretty Nompumelelelo18Was injured in Ndaleni, Richmond, Natal, by IFP supporters during political conflict on 2 July 1993. Eight people were killed in this attack on the Nxele homestead.. References
NXELE, Sithembiso Phathezakhe Davidson26An ANC supporter who was severely injured in Ndaleni, Richmond, Natal, by IFP supporters during political conflict on 2 July 1993. Eight people were killed in this attack on the Nxele homestead. References
NXELE, Sizwe Wilson5Was injured on 2 July 1993 when masked men armed with AK47 rifles opened fire on a home in Phatheni, Richmond, Natal. Seven refugee women and a baby were shot dead and six children were injured in the attack. Peace talks on the return of refugees had collapsed two weeks previously. References
NXELE, Ziyekile58An ANC supporter who had her house in Esimozomeni, Richmond, Natal, set alight by IFP supporters in 1991. References
NXELELWA, Ntsikelelo Glory 46Was shot dead by named IFP supporters in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 26 June 1993 during the ‘Vaal monster’ reign of terror in the area. See Khetisi Kheswa gang. References
NXIBA, Thomas59An Inkatha supporter who had his home burnt down by UDF supporters at Sweetwaters, KwaZulu, near Pietermaritzburg, in June 1987. References
NXITYWA, Zwelidumile AbelWas injured on 29 July 1986 when an MK unit attacked the Madeira police station, in Umtata, Transkei. At least eight people were killed in the attack, including policemen, civilians and one of the MK operatives. One MK operative applied for and was granted amnesty (AC/2000/240). References
NXIWENI, Pumezo George JamesAn MK commander, operating in Natal, who was abducted by the Port Natal Security Branch on 4 November 1988, shortly after being acquitted in a trial relating to MK activities. He was taken to a house at Verulam, where he was interrogated and killed the next day. His body, which was buried in a sugar-cane field, was exhumed by the Commission and reburied by his family. Six Port Natal Security Branch operatives, including the divisional commander, were granted amnesty (AC/2001/112). References
NXOPO, Zwelinzima Albert25Was shot in the leg and back by members of the SAP at the funeral of PAC leader, Robert Sobukwe, in Graaff-Reinet, Cape, in 1978. After his release from hospital, he was detained for three months and tortured. References
NXUMALO, (first name not given)8Was shot in the knee by members of the SAP in Atteridgeville, Pretoria, on 15 November 1976 as he ran towards a helicopter approaching th epolice station and allegedly bringing the Minister of Police to the township. The boy spent six months in hospital. References
NXUMALO, Aaron18A UDF supporter who had his home in KwaMashu, Durban, burnt down by a named Inkatha supporter in January 1986. References
NXUMALO, Amon ThabisoSurvived an attempted killing by members of an ANC self-defence unit (SDU) in Katlehong, Tvl, on 7 December 1993. Eleven ANC members were killed in conflict with an SDU in Moleleki section that day. Thirteen SDU members were refused amnesty (AC/1998/0013). References
NXUMALO, AnthonyWas shot dead in an arson attack on his home at Imbali, Pietermaritzburg, in intensifying conflict between Inkatha and UDF supporters in 1990. References
NXUMALO, Bachazile49She lost her home at Engonyameni, near Umlazi, Durban, when it was set alight on 9 June 1990 in intensifying conflict between ANC and Inkatha supporters in the area following the unbanning of political organisations in February 1990 References
NXUMALO, Bafana MckenzieAn ANC supporter who died after being severely assaulted by IFP supporters at Osizweni, KwaZulu, near Newcastle, Natal, on 15 February 1993. The attack was allegedly in retaliation for the killing of an IFP supporter by ANC supporters. References
NXUMALO, Beatrice Thembani45Was shot and seriously injured by IFP supporters during political conflict at Matshana, KwaZulu, near Empangeni, Natal, on 26 March 1992. The perpetrators suspected her cousin of being an ANC member. References
NXUMALO, Bernard35An ANC supporter who was stabbed and injured by Inkatha supporters at Maidstone, Hambanathi, near Verulam, Natal, on 15 February 1983, in political conflict over the incorporation of Hambanathi into KwaZulu. References
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