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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter P

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PHASHE, Steven 29An ANC supporter who was continually harassed by the Security Branch in the Port Shepstone area in the mid-1980s. He eventually went into exile in 1985. On his return in 1987, he was detained in Port Shepstone, Natal, where he was severely ill-treated. He was eventually charged, convicted and sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment, reduced on appeal to four years. He died from an unspecified illness in 1989 while in prison.References
PHASWANA, Khorombi Josius23Was arrested and detained by members of the Venda Police and SADF in Thohoyandou, Venda, on 28 July 1989 and accused of attempting to kill the acting headman. References
PHASWANA, Ndanganeni Petrus32Was tortured in detention by named members of the Venda Police at Sibasa police station, Venda, on 6 January 1982. Reverend Phaswana was reportedly a monitor of human rights abuses for the IRC and Amnesty International. References
PHATANG, Wilfred Kotope Chivos23An ANC supporter who was shot and injured by a known SAP member in Bloemfontein on 14 April 1990. A police vehicle approached Mr Phatang, who had been participating in a protest, and one of the occupants of the vehicle opened fire, hitting him in the leg. References
PHATHI, Tseko Jacob50An ANC supporter who was shot dead in Sebokeng, Transvaal, in a drive-by shooting on 22 May 1992. Mr Phathi was killed with two others. References
PHATLANE, Lucky Joseph19A COSAS and SAYCO member who was shot dead on 10 November 1990 by members of the SAP in Atteridgeville, Pretoria, when police disrupted a march to protest against electricity cut-offs in the area. Mr Phatlane was ordered to open his mouth and was shot through it. References
PHATO, Magamonke Stanford35A PAC member who was detained by the members of the SAP near Qamata, Cofimvaba, Transkei, in 1963. He was suspected of having shot dead an unnamed tribal secretary but was later exonerated. He was later fined R80.00 for furthering the aims of a banned organisation. References
PHATO, MakulanaAn ANC supporter who was severely assaulted in 1960 in the Bizana police station, Transkei, after participating in meetings held to discuss the introduction of the Trust Land Act. References
PHAWE, Lephoi NapeAn ANC supporter who was shot dead by IFP supporters in Ipelegeng, Schweizer-Reneke, Transvaal, during clashes between IFP and ANC supporters in 1993. References
PHEFO, Solomon ChippaWas stabbed to death on 29 October 1985 in Mohlakeng, Randfontein, Transvaal, during clashes between AZAPO and UDF supporters. References
PHEHLANE, Edward Tshudi Was severely injured when he was assaulted and stabbed during an attack on his family by self-defence unit (SDU) members in Brandfort, OFS, on 14 July 1991. His mother was killed in the attack and his younger brother Patrick was injured. The family store was set alight. Mr Phehlane’s father, Morgan, previously an ANC supporter, and his family were accused of being collaborators due to their participation in the local council. One SDU member applied for amnesty, which was granted for most aspects of the attack, but refused in respect of the stabbing of Patrick Phehlane (AC/1997/0043). References
PHEHLANE, Morgan Sebata67Was the target of an attempt on his life when self-defence unit (SDU) members attacked his home and family in Brandfort, Orange Free State (OFS), on 14 July 1991. His wife was killed, his two sons severely injured, and his home and store were burnt down in the attack. Mr Phehlane, previously an ANC supporter, and his family were accused of being collaborators due to their participation in the local council. One SDU member applied for amnesty, which was granted for most aspects of the attack, but refused in respect of the stabbing of his son, Patrick Phehlane (AC/1997/0043). See self-defence units (SDU).References
PHEHLANE, Patrick 14Was severely injured when he was repeatedly stabbed during an attack on his family by self-defence unit (SDU) members in Brandfort, OFS, on 14 July 1991. His mother was killed in the attack and his older brother Edward was injured. The family store was set alight. Mr Phehlane’s father, Morgan, previously an ANC supporter, and his family were accused of being collaborators due to their participation in the local council. One SDU member applied for amnesty, which was granted for most aspects of the attack, but refused in respect of the stabbing of Patrick (AC/1997/0043).References
PHEHLANE, Susan MoselaWas brutally murdered and her body burnt, when the family store was set alight by self-defence unit (SDU) members in Brandfort, OFS, on 14 July 1991. Her two sons were also severely injured in the attack. It was alleged that Ms Phehlane, her husband, Morgan, a once respected ANC leader, and their family, were suspected of collaborating with the NP government, as they were members of the local council, and were therefore regarded as traitors and opposed to the UDF/ANC alliance. One SDU member applied for amnesty, which was granted for most aspects of the attack, but refused in respect of the stabbing of Ms Phelane’s son, Patrick (AC/1997/0043).References
PHEKO, JosephWas injured during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Transvaal, on 17 June 1992, which left forty five people dead and twenty seven seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209). References
PHEKO, Mokete Lemuel Kidman22A UDF supporter who was assaulted and injured by members of the A-Team in Bloemfontein in 1985, during a period of conflict over local government structures. See A-Team (OFS)References
PHEKONYANE, Modise 19Was detained and tortured by named SAP members in Bloemfontein, on 23 September 1977. He was allegedly accused of being a 'terrorist'. Between 1977 and 1985, he was detained and ill-treated on several occasions.References
PHEKU, Moteletsa Paulus Nico17Was shot and severely injured by members of the SAP during a march through Rocklands, Bloemfontein, on 31 January 1990. The marchers were protesting against a rebel tour by sanctions-breaking cricketers from England. Police fired teargas, pellets and, allegedly, live ammunition into the crowd. References
PHELANE, Khuduga HendrickAn ANC supporter who was severely beaten and mentally tortured by members of the SAP after his arrest on 5 December 1991 in Jouberton, Klerksdorp, Transvaal. References
PHELE, Frans18A PAC member who was shot and killed by members of the SAP in Sebokeng, Transvaal, on 31 December 1992. Mr Phele had been detained and tortured earlier that year. References
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