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The victims' index provides a comprehensive listing of the known victims of politically motivated crimes during the apartheid era, as identified through the TRC.


The list provides detailed information related to personal loss, death or injury, as well as the victim's age at the time of the incident.

TRC Victims - Letter T

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THIPE, Mogorosi JacobWas stabbed to death by members of the Three Million gang in Kroonstad, OFS, on 2 March 1985, during political conflict. References
THIPE, PetrusWas shot and killed by members of the SAP in KwaThema, Tvl, on 11 May 1985 during unrest in the area when a post office and the Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet were burnt down. References
THIPE, Tolamo Paul21An MK cadre who was arrested on 14 June 1988 while crossing the border into Swaziland. He was detained for three months. References
THIPE, Vincent Johannes Gaolaolwe10Was shot and injured by members of the SAP outside his home in Ditlhake, Koffiefontein, OFS, in 1990. He was eating outside the house when police opened fire in his direction, injuring him. References
THIPE, Zacharia Oshupile32An ANC supporter who was severely beaten by ANC members for breaking a stayaway call in Tikwana, Hoopstad, OFS, on 4 July 1992. References
THITHIZA, Muntuza SgadlaneWas shot and killed by an IFP member during political conflict at Izingolweni, Port Shepsone, Natal, on 19 May 1991. An amnesty applicant testified that he killed Mr Thithiza because he believed him to be an ANC supporter. He was granted amnesty (AC/1999/0339). References
THLAPI, Ramatua NicholasWas abducted by members of the SAP in Ikageng, Potchefstroom, Tvl, on 21 March 1986. References
THOABALA, Dikeledi MarthaWas injured and suffered damage to property during the Boipatong massacre by IFP supporters in Boipatong, near Vanderbijlpark, Tvl, on 17 June 1992, which left 45 people dead and 27 seriously injured. Thirteen perpetrators were granted amnesty; a further three applications were refused (AC/2000/209). References
THOANE, Nthisane Paulina13Was shot and injured by members of the SAP in Nyanga, Cape Town, on 26 December 1976, during political conflict between Nyanga residents and migrant workers from the hostels in the Christmas 1976 period. References
THOBA, MzuvukileWas shot and injured at a night vigil in Alexandra, Johannesburg, on 26 March 1991, allegedly by named IFP supporters. Fifteen people died in the attack which took place during intense conflict between ANC and IFP supporters in the area. References
THOBEDI, NicholasWas killed when police fired randomly at schoolchildren taking part in a stayaway in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 25 March 1986. At the time, there was tension over the presence of police in the township. References
THOBEJANE, NWas injured when MK operatives detonated an explosive in a car outside the South African Air Force (SAAF) headquarters in Church Street, Pretoria, on 20 May 1983. Twenty-one people were killed and 217 injured. The overall commander of MK’s Special Operations Unit and two MK operatives were granted amnesty (AC/2001/003 and AC/2001/023). See Church Street bombing, Pretoria. References
THOBEJANE, Tsoaledi Daniel22An AZAPO activist who lost an eye after being detained and tortured by named Lebowa Police members in Mahwelereng, Lebowa, on 4 April 1985. References
THOBELA, Eva Zanele19A COSAS official who died on 17 June 1985 after a hand grenade was thrown into her home by named members of the SAP in Duduza, Nigel, Tvl, on 9 May 1985. References
THOBELA, JosephWas arrested on 27 June 1985 at Duduza, Nigel, Tvl, shortly after his two student activist daughters died following a hand grenade explosion at their home. He was detained for 12 months and eventually charged with treason References
THOBELA, Joseph FanikieWas shot dead, allegedly by named members of the SAP, at a taxi rank in Komatipoort, Tvl, on 1 May 1986. References
THOBELA, Patricia SontoA COSAS secretary who died when a hand grenade was thrown at her home by named members of the SAP in Duduza, Nigel, Tvl, on 9 May 1985. References
THOBELA, Vusi Richard 37An ANC member who was beaten and kept in solitary confinement by police for more than three months from 28 March 1993 at the Hazyview police station in Transvaal . Mr Thobela was arrested while bringing in weapons and ammunition from Mozambique to distribute to East Rand self-defence units (SDU), and he was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment.References
THOBELA, Zodwa LephinaShe lost her house in a hand grenade attack by named members of the SAPat Duduza, Nigel, Tvl, on 9 May 1985. Ms Thobela lost two daughters as a result of the attack. They were both COSAS members. References
THOBI, Douglas24An ANCYL supporter who was shot dead by a named member of the SAP in Sebokeng, Tvl, on 4 December 1992 during conflict between IFP and ANC supporters. References
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