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Age 43

A UDF supporter and Wits academic who was shot dead by a Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) operative on 1 May 1989 outside his home in Troyeville, Johannesburg. The operative, later convicted of his killing, did not apply for amnesty. A Witwatersrand Security Branch operative was granted amnesty for harassing Dr Webster and others during a political gathering in 1985 (AC/2001/0184).

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This episode focuses on the covert military unit, the CCB implicated in the assassinations of David Webster, Anton Lubowski and Tsitsi Chiliza and the attempted assassinations of Albie Sachs and Jeremy Brickhill fore grounded this week with the arrest of CCB agent Ferdi Barnard. The episode also ...
... covers the HRV Committee hearings held in Johannesburg from 29 April to 3 May 1996. Segments include death squads and the assassinations of David Webster, Abram Tiro, Dulcie September, Bheki Mlangeni, Jeanette and Katryn Schoon, and the assassination attempt on Albie Sachs. It also covers ...
meet with the mother of the deceased after the hearing. The following two segments investigate the assassinations of anti-apartheid activist David Webster and SWAPO executive member Anton Lubowski and provide some background to CCB agent and convicted killer Ferdi Barnard?s involvement. In the ...
... The final segment is a report on CCB members Staal Burger, Slang van Zyl and Callas Botha who as before, at the Harms Commission and the David Webster inquests, gave what seems to be ?arranged? accounts of certain CCB ?projects? in their amnesty applications and at the criminal trial of ...
In April 1989 Wits anthropologist and human rights activist Doctor David Webster wrote a report on repression in South Africa. It contained details on detentions and disappearances; he called it apartheid’s ultimate weapon. On Workers Day, 1989 Webster fell victim to apartheid’s ultimate weapon ...
... Mortimer had nothing more to say about the CCB, not that they killed SWAPO leader Anton Lubowski, not that they killed Johannesburg academic David Webster, not that they tried to kill Justice Minister Dullah Omar, not that they bombed and attacked activists and organisations such as the Council ...
As the government detains people so too do their families join our organisation, join the Detainee Parents Support Committee.
... other side of the law. Between them they have been implicated in murdering or trying to murder at least 6 people including Anton Lubowski and David Webster who both died and Dullah Omar who survived plans to shoot and poison him. Staal Burger, Callas Botha and Slang van Zyl worked for the SADF ...
... her and their daughter. So, in 1996 she played her trump card, she sold her story to Rapport newspaper, detailing what Barnard had told her about Webster’s death. The case was reopened and this time it was serious. Barnard has been formally charged with murdering David Webster among 33 other ...
of Chris Hani and Griffiths Mxenge had been brought to book, but that is not true of those who assassinated Victoria Mxenge, Dulcie September, David Webster and Anton Lubowski. But at least in the case of David Webster someone has been criminally charged with murder. The charges against Ferdi ...
... The CCB was in the news twice this week, with the arrest of one of its operatives, Ferdi Barnard, on charges including the murder of activist David Webster and with the refusal of CCB members Joe Verster, Slang van Zyl and Wouter Basson to give evidence to the Truth Commission about their ...
... the army’s civil cooperation bureau. Barnard is appearing before the Pretoria High Court, among other things on charges of killing activist David Webster. His former girlfriends and wife have been spilling the beans about him and now some of his former comrades are also beginning to speak out. ...
... and the national director of investigations, Glen Goosen resigned over clashes with his boss, Dumisa Ntsebeza. Cases like the murder of David Webster should have been cracked by the unit but in this instance the justice system has showed up the shortcomings of the Truth Commission. The ...
Anti apartheid activist, David Webster is gunned down in front of his Johannesburg home. The Harms Commission of inquiry, tasked to find Webster’s killers, failed to do so as it failed to find evidence of police hit squads. But even the blundering Mr. Justice Louis Harms launched this scathing ...
... and without fear of prosecution. But this week, the Transvaal Attorney-General pounced on Ferdi Barnard and arrested him for the murder of David Webster. According to the indictment the man who was with him in the car on the day he pulled the trigger was his friend and former Transvaal rugby ...
The murder of Dr David Webster in May 1989 does not form part of Callas Botha’s TRC application, although witness after witness has told the Pretoria High Court that Barnard always maintained Botha drove the car for the drive-by shooting. The only car Callas Botha would be questioned on this week ...
... of the Truth Commission process in today’s Special Report: brutality, forgiveness and justice. We focus on two assassinations today, David Webster and Anton Lubowski, and not surprisingly the same characters appear in both dramas. We also look at what that old charmer Desmond Tutu did on ...
... centre at Athlone in Cape Town. No documentation or evidence could be obtained linking the CCB to the murder of human rights activist, Doctor David ...
... not kill people. The National Party does not threaten people.’ And again, I’m sure the relatives of Steve Biko and Dulcie September and David Webster and Anton Lubowski would want me to ask you. When did you change your mind? When did you stop doing that? // Well firstly, in some of the ...
... does not kill people, the National Party does not threaten people and again I’m sure the relatives of Steve Biko and Dulcie September and David Webster and Anton Lubowski would want me to ask you, when did you change your mind, when did you stop doing that? // Well firstly, in some of the ...
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