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A-Team (OFS)

The A-Team, also known as the 'Phakathis' was a vigilante group set up and headed by a well-known local councillor in the Thabong area of Welkom to counter the activities of the UDF primarily, and in a smaller measure, the ANC. The A-Team carried out a reign of terror in several areas of the province, particularly in Thabong and Parys, under the guise of 'maintaining order'. In at least one case, the A-Team is alleged to have been supported by police and municipal structures.

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MR SIBEKO: And as part of the team, part of your team, Xolani was also instructed, given the same instructions that he's got to go along with you to try to get these drivers back into Polla Park?
MR RICHARDSON: I liked her because she was a girlfriend of Buthile who was also a soccer player in my team.
MR RORICH: Chairperson, maybe I should just mention to you that because of the fact that this incident had taken place in Piet Retief's area which resorts under Colonel Deetlefs it would be normal practice that the Commander of that area, draw up the reports and inform the necessary people who had ...
I looked at his file. He joined the police. He was busy also on his studies. It was in October at the time when exams, examinations were to be written. They were trying to get bailed out in Umtata. I thought that in their application of bail these people would get bail, because they are, they ...
On my far left, which I assume is appropriate and wearing a tie for the first time for many months, Mr Ilan Lax, who is from Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu/Natal, he is an attorney by profession. But he is a full Committee member, full-time working for the TRC and a very valuable member of the team ...
Mr de Kock, you will recall that Mr McPherson drove the getaway car or he was at least part of the getaway team, along with Jimmy Taylor?
On the 14th of March 1982 an explosive device was detonated at the offices of the ANC in London. This operation, carried out thousands of kilometres from the front line and in clear violation of international law, was authorised by a formation Commissioner of Police and member of the State Security ...
MS GOBODO-MADIKIZELA: So clearly you were not the person to head a team of people who were going to make an arrest in a crowd situation when you had no previous experience of crowd control?
MR HATTINGH: These persons who were dousing the first floor with petrol, were they different members than those that were dousing the ground floor with petrol, or did the same team work on the both floors?
MS KHAMPEPE: Mr Maxam, what was an A-team? In some of your documents you have referred us to a unit called the A-team.
MR DE KOCK: Chairperson, I personally, and it's my personal opinion, did not like Mr Mamasela, he usually followed his own head. He was not a person who could work in a team, he was not a team-worker. That is how I experienced him. At times he was mean with specifically the askaris, but he got ...
MR MORRIS: Yes. He then accused me again of playing for a team which he doesn't like.
The Applicant had accompanied some members of Colonel Eugene de Kock's team to Lesotho.  He was merely an observer of the operation and took no active part in the incidents.  There was an exchange of fire between other members of de Kock's team and some ANC members.  It transpired that three ...
MR NORTJE: Yes, they would be the team to execute the elimination.
"Foreign Affairs referred to the success that was accomplished in the recent past in the Lesotho matter by a small high-profile or high level project team by RSA officials."
MR DU PLESSIS: You will agree with me that Mr Beeslaar was not part of the interrogation team.
Also to our Interpreters who are here today. We are very pleased that we have been sent a very powerful team. Welcome to you Pakamai Ntchongwane who is going to be doing the English/Xhosa interpretation and the other way, and we are really glad to have you back. You have been doing impeccable ...
Perhaps the group of people who should be thanked very specially is the investigators. We have mentioned them before, Mark, Phumla and Madeleine and Lucky and Zoelpha, but most importantly Zenariah Bahrens who is the head of the investigating unit in the Western Cape region for her unflinching ...
It was put to me that I had to put together a team to do this operation. There was no way that I could pick Mr Winter to form part of this operation to work under me.
MR VISSER: Yes, Mr Chairman, we will obviously as we’ve done in the past fall in with any arrangements which you make, bearing in mind that there are consultations which I have to do in the evenings of course. So frankly, we would prefer not to sit too late but we’re absolutely in your hands, ...
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