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A-Team (OFS)

The A-Team, also known as the 'Phakathis' was a vigilante group set up and headed by a well-known local councillor in the Thabong area of Welkom to counter the activities of the UDF primarily, and in a smaller measure, the ANC. The A-Team carried out a reign of terror in several areas of the province, particularly in Thabong and Parys, under the guise of 'maintaining order'. In at least one case, the A-Team is alleged to have been supported by police and municipal structures.

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The conflict in Natal has grown out of the ethno-national politics engendered by apartheid. The specific context of the conflict is a complex one, involving a range of issues related to specific localities and struggles. In rural areas, the threat of removals by the state during the 1980s had led ...
CHAIRPERSON: We are reverting to the hearing of the application relating to the attempted murder of Dirk Coetzee and the killing of Bheki Mlangeni. Before we commence I would place on record that we have a new legal team and I would ask them please to put themselves on record and to speak a ...
MR BOOYENS:: Surely your legal team have gone with you through your statement before you testified yesterday? Because you were actually being led on it.
MR VIKTOR: Yes, I enquired with the investigative team of the then Attorney-General, in order to determine which matters they were investigating against me, and certain facts were made known to me.
MR CORNELIUS: And was the necessary information conveyed to Col de Kock and his team?
MR VAN DER MERWE: Can you confirm for me that he was not part of the interrogation team?
The name, Zweliyazuzu, means nothing to me, but when we arrested Mzwandile, Mzimkulu Gwentshe, there was another very young brother who was still school-going and I presume he was Zweliyazuza. Mzwandile and Mzimkulu were arrested in connection with acts of sabotage as they were members of the ...
ADV DE VILLIERS: Afterwards and on the morning of the 8th of May 1985, you told Captain Van Zyl that the time was ripe and that he should put together a team to ...
MRS CRICHTON: Just a short question, Mr Card?. In Paragraph 7 of your Affidavit, you speak about another team of men who were given the task of investigating the King William’s Town Police Station attack. Two parts to my question. The first one. Did you know who they were at all ?
Mr Links perhaps just in conclusion, you have thrown quite a bit of light on a situation which we came across in Upington where our investigating team were told when they went to the Upington police station to look at the records and documents, they were told that the documents relating to the ...
MR COETZEE: Yes, the following morning Chris Olckers and his team arrived there and there were many reporters.
MR KLOPPER: If I recall correctly, C10 was divided into three sections. De Kock had one team and Baker had another. If I recall correctly, all the authorisations for funding was obtained under the name Excalibur, so I cannot tell you pertinently that Lieutenant Tait was in command of it or ...
MR LAX: Well you see you were a team, you were working together as a team, isn't that so?
MR BARNARD: where I was the Captain for three years. We were on the recruitment team on the same sort committee and I knew him very well and then without making contact Luitingh, or anybody else, I decided to assist McQuillan. I then drove to him and I discussed it with Col Viktor and Col ...
Commission or the investigative unit or the legal team on behalf
MR VISSER: Yes, Chairperson, as ready as we'll ever be. But if you will forgive me to take this opportunity before we commence to, on behalf of our team, to congratulate you on your permanent appointment to the Judiciary of the Transvaal Provincial Division. We're certainly looking forward to ...
MR LAMEY: Well, may I just say this Mr Chairman, generally it contains information about his background and then there is also an extract of a previous affidavit which was we assume made to the Goldstone Commission and to the Investigating Team of the Attorney General, specifically relating to this ...
We stayed. Willie and I formed the team and worked together for about five years. Today we are free, thanks in part for the contribution of the young people. Let us remember them with a simple plaque. Their victory is our victory.
MR MAHARAJ: Yes Sir, I played a part in the committee that was charged by the ANC with preparing the documentation, and I appeared in the ANC team before the TRC in motivating and explaining the submission.
There were other people that he could have turned to and I must just comment Mr Chairman that at that time the focus of that Commission was not really matters of the past, it was focusing very much on what was happening at that time and the future and in particular, it was focusing on the security ...
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